Tag: sode

Act 03: A day in the Park 


Act 03: A day in the Park  

Indigo stretched lazily in her bed, pulling the covers up around her ears, smiling happily. No school today. She’d slept in for the first time in a while, glad for the day off. She……

Act 02: Secret of the Leaf Star

Act 02: Secret of the Leaf Star


“That’s just too weird!” Hatemi said after Dionne had finished telling the others what had happened the night before. Hatemi Summers was the sehashi warrior known as Fate. She went to the same university as Dionne, but they had very few classes together. She and Cory Davis,……

Act 01: The Rising


Act 01: The Rising  

At the front of the lecture hall, Professor MacDonald droned on about some apparently important historical event. Hana yawned and sighed, looking at the clock on the wall above the door. Two minutes had passed since……