
Do you have a sci-fi or fantasy novel ready for that last step before publication? My goal is to offer proofreading that is friendly towards authors with tight budgets.

I read almost exclusively fantasy, but I also enjoy sci-fi.

I will check your document for:

~Word usage
~Repetitive words

If you haven’t gone through the editing process, this service may not be right for you at this time. I won’t turn you away, but there’s a chance you won’t get the full benefit from it as you would with an edited manuscript.

Before you hire me, please request a sample. This gives me a better idea of what level of work your manuscript needs. I adjust my prices based on how much or how little is needed. If your book isn’t ready for this stage, a sample will show me that.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. My inbox is always open. I can be contacted either through my Fiverr page or via e-mail at azuredragonpress @ keverynn dot net.

Here’s a list of books I’ve proofread.