Act 01: The Light That Shines Eternally
“Happy birthday, Dionne!”
The oval shaped dining table barely fit the entire Archer family. Dionne was at the head of the table, as was the tradition of the family……
Act 01: The Light That Shines Eternally
“Happy birthday, Dionne!”
The oval shaped dining table barely fit the entire Archer family. Dionne was at the head of the table, as was the tradition of the family……
Two days passed without incident. This only aggravated Asharos. He stalked the corridors of the enclave with a scowl etched into his pale face. Most of his followers had the good sense……
“Please state your name for the record.”
The young man blinked into the harsh yellow light, his throat convulsing as he swallowed, making the ugly bruise on his neck dance. “Uh, Kenian Deepwood,” he……
“He’s not in here either!”
Asharos scowled and planted his fists against his hips. He tapped his toes against the smooth metal flooring. “Find him! He can’t have gone far, not in his……
Chapter 3
After crossing unchallenged onto the outermost part of the palace grounds, both bandits stopped and stared. The paths were paved with stones cut into intricate patterns that fit seamlessly together. Not so much as a single blade of……
Chapter 2
“What are you doing all the way up here?”
“Trying to find some quiet,” came the annoyed reply. “Why follow me up?”
“I think I’m going to join you in……
Chapter 1 Summer, 874
She scanned the crowd surrounding the wagon, looking for a single person. She knew he was down there and knew he’d be beside the wagon. On a normal day,……
Chapter 3
By the time they were ready to go, they couldn’t leave their room. Kinrou opened the door to find Shinjaloye, Mienna, and Sahiren on the other side.
“Would you mind if I had a word with you?” the Empress asked.
“Not at all. We were just about to come and find you,” Kinrou said, gesturing……
Chapter 2
When Kinrou returned to his room, he found Kishandren and Aldiara holding up clothes and then tossing them onto one of the three growing piles on the bed. One of the piles seemed to be made up……
Chapter 1
It took Kinrou eight days after his conversation with Kal Sharash before he figured out how to talk to Kishandren about it, how to tell her what he had to do now. Lucky for him, things……
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