Minor Characters
Elysium Valley[edit]

Name: Levina
Gender: Female
Age: 17
School: Elysium Valley High School
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Light, Act 3
She's the school gossip, and lives down the street from Hana.

Name: Emmeline Jackson
Gender: Female
Age: 17
School: Khun-Lun High School
First Appearance: Mentioned in Stars of Destiny: Crystal, Act 1
She prefers to be called Emmy. She and Kousei dated for a while.
Other Sehashi[edit]

Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Zalgriv
Planet: Zalgris
Age: Unknown, deceased
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Crystal
Sehashi Name: Kwâupuñ
Sehashi Level: Celestial
Her sehashi name means Truthsinger; she created the Talisman of Truth.

Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Cyvvan
Planet: Chidak
Age: Unknown, deceased
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Talismans, Act 8
Sehashi Name: Lajraki
Sehashi Level: Celestial
They created the Talisman of Courage. Lajraki spoke to Shield before she was able to manifest this Talisman.

Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Raeshen
Planet: Revell
Age: Unknown, deceased
First Appearance:
Sehashi Name: Fjelgathi
Sehashi Level: Celestial
She created the Talisman of Strength.

Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Swaidel
Planet: Deneb Prime
Age: Unknown, deceased
First Appearance:
Sehashi Name: Athelgar
Sehashi Level: Celestial
He created the Talisman of Wisdom.

Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Rotillian
Planet: Shandilar
Age: Unknown, deceased
First Appearance:
Sehashi Name: Quiqarilo
Sehashi Level: Celestial
He created the Talisman of Hope.

Gender: male
Race: Human
Birthday: August 01
'Zodiac Sign: Leo
School: none
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Crystal, Act 1
Sehashi Name: Phlegon
Sehashi Level: Warrior
- Scorching Aegis
- Decadent Inferno
First Appearance:
His twin brother is Pyrois. They have two other brothers. Eos is dead and it’s most likely that Aethon is as well.
Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar[edit]

Name: Kinyairi Eldrenaya Ladeth Taliniri Goldenstar
Rank: High Queen
Race: To'ra
Planet: Kinshei
Element: air
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 2
Sehashi Name: Starshine
Sehashi Level: Guardian
She’s the High Queen of the Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar and queen of Kinshei. She’s Starwind's mother.
The other members of her team of Guardians were Sirenmoon and Sunstar. Starshine The fourth member, Starbright, died in her sleep.

Name: Talenkith Goldenstar
Rank: Consort/King
Race: To'ra
Planet: Kinshei
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 2
Consort to Kinyairi and Starwind's father. He’s an enelo and a low level practitioner of pleozay.

Name: Yosayna Brightmoon
Race: Jiyuron
Planet: Roshen
Element: water
Hair/eye: red/sea green
Height: 5’9’’
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 1
Sehashi Name: Sirenmoon
Sehashi Level: Guardian
The other members of her team of Guardians were Starshine and Sunstar.
The fourth member, Starbright, died in her sleep.
She is Melomi's aunt by marriage.

Name: Nakerr Firekeeper
Rank: Queen
Race: Jiyuron
Planet: Taleer
Hobbies: baking, playing the pipe
Element: Fire
Hair/eye: gold-black/gold
Height: 6’
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 1
Sehashi Name: Sunstar
Sehashi Level: Guardian
The other members of her team of Guardians were Sirenmoon and Starshine. The fourth member, Starbright, died in her sleep.
She is Melomi's mother and Kamneri's wife.
Name: Yanehr Firekeeper
Race: Jiyuron
Planet: Taleer
Element: Fire
Hair/eye: blonde/blue
Height: 5’10’’
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 1
Sehashi Name: Flare
Sehashi Level:
Division: 4
Name: Kamneri Brightmoon
Rank: King
Race: Jiyuron
Planet: Roshen
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 1
Sehashi Name: Ahexe
Sehashi Level:
He is Melomi's father and Nakerr's husband.
Name: Zalandre Kithkaret
Race: Letraiyen
Planet: Dailen
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Interlude 2
Sehashi Name: Starhealer
Sehashi Level: Guardian
She is one of 2 remaining member of her team of Guardians. The other is Starflare. Starseal died recently of old age and Stareyes was killed in battle.
Name: Seikou ei Tiltrethkeriin
Race: Nomaien
Planet: Nomaie
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Sehashi Name: Nukoyi
Sehashi Level:

Name: Fen'lar
Civilian name:
Division: 1
Race: Letraiyen
Planet: Dailen
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: one of her planet's five moons
Powers: Tranquil Vibration
Notes: She has an illness that keeps her from going very fast or using a lot of her powers. It’s very rare among sehashi.

Name: Valdulra
Civilian name: Rithiaa
Division: 2
Race: Letraiyen
Planet: Dailen
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: a mythological creature
Powers: Fire Storm

Name: Ashatah
Civilian name:
Division: 2
Race: Raishuten
Planet: Raiven
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: the constellation prominent at the time she was born
Powers: Solar Flare

Name: Durjuti (Tempest)
Civilian name: Spiritwind
Division: 3
Race: Kal’tresh’nal
Planet: Aiella
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: her power over storms
- Striking Wind
- Heavenly Strike

Name: Avalin
Division: 4
Race: Jiyuron
Planet: Taleer
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: The tallest mountain on Taleer
Powers: Glacial Drift

Name: Vashenn
Civilian name: Jidal
Division: 2
Race: To'ra
Planet: Kinshei
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: her planet's moon

Name: Esai
Civilian name:
Division: 4
Race: Laisheen
Planet: Ha'ven
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements
Named for: her affinity with water
Powers: Mystic Deluge
Her great-grandmother went on a few expeditions out of the system.

Civilian name: Tantelren Wildwind
Division: 4
Race: Jiyuron
Planet: Taleer
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Elements, Act 25
Named for: