Luce Corrigan

Name: Luce Corrigan
Gender: male
Birthday: August 01
Blood Type: A
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Weaknesses: imagination
Family: loneliness
School History:
He has straight blond hair that he leaves a little long in the front, sectioned into bangs that hide a good deal of his face. The back is left longer, falling just past his shoulders. His eyes, what can be seen of them are green. He’s not overly tall, standing at 5'7".
Clothing style[edit]
He’s mostly seen wearing a teal colored suit with a white shirt and purple tie. When he’s not wearing those, however, he tends to wear baggy pants, t-shirts, and sandals.
He’s reluctant to admit it, but he really doesn’t like the dark. He always sleeps with a light on, whether it’s leaving his lamp on or leaving a light on in the living room and sleeping with his bedroom door on. He is a very proud person and is prone to taking risks. He likes to have a good time and loves attention. He’s very charismatic and draws people to him wherever he goes even if they don’t know who he is. He’s protective of people he knows. On the other side, he’s also prone to be bossy and stubborn. He’s doesn’t like it, but he is dependent on others as he hates to be lonely. He likes to get his own way and has shown evidence of having a jealous and mean streak.
“It’s a curse of our lineage. Our power doesn’t necessarily belong to us. We draw on the sun. After death, that’s where our power returns to. It’s been like that since ancient times. I’m not inclined to explain the details of it to you as it’s likely you’d misuse that knowledge. What’s important is that I can tell that Phlegon is somewhere out there and I have access to more power than I did before.”
Food: katsudon (pork bowl), sushi, finger foods
Gemstone: sunstone
Flower: Apple blossom (promise), Iris (inspiration)
Colour: red, orange, teal
Activities: writing stories, languages, art, and anything he can be creative in
Food: pizza (it’s too greasy and messy)
Flower: Queen Anne’s Lace (delicate femininity)
Activities: math (because it’s so rigid and structured)
Real name: Alioth Lional
Sehashi name: Pyrois
He has three brothers whose sehashi names are Aethon, Eos, and Phlegon. Phlegon is his twin. Eos is dead and it’s most likely that Aethon is as well. Phlegon’s status is unknown.
Code Name: Pyrois
Primary Colour: dark blue
Secondary Colour: ice blue
Power Type: fire
Sehashi Level: warrior

Name of Power: Sonic Vibrations
Power Type:
Name of Power: Eternal Light Waves
Power Type:
Name of Power: Heliacal Harmonic Roar
Power Type: