
Name: Nomaie
Location: 4th planet out from the sun
About the Sun: Sheratan
About the Moon(s):
- Shanshe has a rotation of 28 days
- Kaivashe has a rotation of 35 days
Main Terrain: Sand
Gravitational Pull: It’s gravity is a little heavier than Earth’s gravity, giving the Nomaien people a bit of extra strength when off-world.
About the Soil: Nomaie is primarily a desert world, dominated by large fields of sand dunes. For the most part, the soil isn’t very good for growing things in. There are areas that are better than most and those are the parts where the cities have been built. As a result, cities are days, even weeks apart. The sand varies between sandy brown and reddish brown in color and has a deceptively soft texture. If you get caught out in a sand storm, you’ll be smothered in it.
Popular/Common Resources: Sun block made from shield plant leaves, caverra spice, meats, furs, pottery, and sand art.
Largest known Surface Feature: Kanehr Zal’tredayan is the largest volcano on the planet and is located at the center of the Kanehr Shovasea near the Sehashi’nel Ourkan and is the source for the Asai’i’len, the hot springs there.
Sky Colour: Nomaie's sky is blue.
Air Quality: The air is breathable, though it contains little moisture. It is hot and dry. It contains some heavy gasses.
Average Surface Temperature: 40-45 degrees Celsius (104-113 Fahrenheit), though it can get hotter.
Maximum Surface Temperature: The coldest daytime temperature recorded in the last few hundred years was 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit) and that was during the worst series of rain storms they’d had in that time period. The highest recorded surface temperature is 65 Celsius (149 Fahrenheit). Not counting the below freezing temperatures found in the polar regions, the lowest possible temperature is 10 degree Celsius (50 Fahrenheit), which is the coldest is gets at night.
Minimum Surface Temperature: The coldest daytime temperature recorded in the last few hundred years was 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit) and that was during the worst series of rain storms they’d had in that time period.
Common Weather Patterns: Clear skies are prevalent as are winds.
Rare Weather Patterns: Rain and storms are fairly rare, happening on a yearly basis.
The planet is protected by local sehashi and a military group called the Home Guard.
The Dominant Species: Nomaien
Level of Technology: moderate
Animal Life:
There are quite a few species of native fauna. Sand rats are a universal pest.
Sandrunners are used as mounts. They have a resemblance to Terran horses in their general shape, but their four legs were wide past the knees with no discernable hoof, their tails look like those of the Laisheen, and they have a pair of horns on their head, curling around each ear. In temperament, they’re generally quite placid. Behaviorally, they’re similar to horses as they have a basic herd structure and are herbivorous. They generally only live around water holes.
Dune bears are the most prevalent predators, known for their surly personalities and unpredictability. They will eat anything.
Plant Life:
Unlike many Earth deserts, you won’t really find a lot of cactus plants. Out in the desert, you’re more likely to find small plants called shield shrubs. Rubbing the leaves of this plant on your skin can prevent sunburn in the hottest parts of the day. It’s highly prized and sought after. Its roots also store water in much the same way that a cactus does, so if one were desperate enough, they could get liquid that way.
There is also a kind of fruit that grows on desert trees called caberra. It’s dried, ground into a powder and used as a seasoning in much of their cooking. It’s very spicy, as Nomaiens like spicy food.