
Height: 5'
Lifespan: 200 years
Diet: minerals
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: humanoid
Locomotion: bipedal
Homeworld: Chidak
Major Cities:
- Capital Cities: Majhar, Rikal, Zarak
- Towns: Misra, Vyrek, Pyruc, Narsek
Level of Technology: high tech, space faring civilization
Cyvvan have hands and feet with only three digits on them. Each digit is clawed. They have a single eye in the centre of their face. Above that eye are six small horns. They have no hair. Their legs are bent differently. Skin is dark brown. They have the ability to change genders as the need arises.
Type: monotheism
Direction: inwards
Focus: attaining enlightenment
Ruling Deities: The All-seeing Eye
Divine Interaction: only on specific days (holidays, etc)
Involves: many artefacts
Afterlife: has a special place for heroes
Supernatural: considered folk superstition
Worship: joyous group meditation at home
Holidays: often
Holidays Celebrate: great rulers, saints, heroes, full moons, the solstices, past battles
Major Holiday(s): involve great feasts
Clergy Function: leaders in ritual, soothsayers
Lifestyle: spartan
Family: somewhat small
Chosen: raised from birth to be clergy
Distinguished By: symbolic tattoos/scars
Cultural Aspects[edit]
Symbol: a representation of a person and is asymmetrical
Holy Colour: gold
Passed Down: via many holy books with some commentary
Creation Myth Type: dismemberment
Mortals' Origin: divine bones
Major Myth/Symbol(s): the journey
Deadly Sins: thoughtlessness and avarice
High Virtues: diligence, responsibility, humility and selflessness
Associated Art form: songs
Coming of Age: 9 years old
Coming of Age Rite: is not celebrated
Marriage: involves a transfer of wealth
Marriage Rites: involve large-scale celebrations
Death Rites: involve a wake
Prevalence: believed by almost all