Janan Jasper

Name: Janan Jasper
Nicknames: Kitten
Known Aliases: Haariline
Aliases: Haariline
Gender: female
Age: 23
Birthday: October 13
Blood Type: B
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Strengths: Janan is very optimistic
Weaknesses: Boats, she doesn’t like fighting or any kind of violence and the sight of blood makes her stomach churn
- Kinyairi Eldrenaya Ladeth Taliniri Goldenstar/Starshine – mother
- Talenkith Goldenstar – father
School History:
Disguise Item[edit]

Type: pendant
Shape: heart
Origin: Given to her by Lisha Connors
Janan is 5’7’’ and weighs in at around 130 lbs. This weight fluctuates depending on her work schedule. She has raven's wing black hair worn in varying styles, but usually down,. Her eyes are brown. She’s generally very cute in appearance. As Haariline, her long black hair was done in twin rings on top of her head. Her normally wide and warmly happy brown eyes were narrowed and cold.
Clothing style[edit]
She’s a very trendy dresser.
She tends to be kind of gullible and overly innocent. Sweet and nearly always happy, liked by everyone. She’s the youngest of the four Guardians. She doesn’t have the experience that the others do and as such is more vulnerable to outside influence. Generally, she gets along with everyone.
She is the princess of the system the four guardian sehashi come from. She is very good friends with Teir Whitmore. She’s very gentle and cheerful, a lot like Hatemi. She’s best friends with Dumia Heart.
Her Great Grandma Seialla’s mother was the one to institute the law saying that there was no one true way to practice magic and no one true belief.
Planet of origin: [Kinshei]]
Race: to'ra
Real name: Andalrien Lapteth Hofrek Goldenstar
Rank: High Princess
Food: strawberries (sweet)
Gemstone: topaz
Flower:Tiger Lily (Wealth, Pride) – they have a pleasant smell
Colour: blue, yellow
Activities: art (she has no talent for art, but she likes to play with the art supplies), singing, acting, writing poetry, volleyball, and music
Food: eggs (slimy) and sushi (overrated and the texture of raw fish isn’t appealing to her)
Gemstone: Tiger's Eye
Flower: apple blossoms (actually, she’s not really sure why she doesn’t like them, but they just don’t appeal to her at all)
Colour: brown (plain), orange (too bright and hurts her to look at it)
Activities: violence (she’s very gentle), science (seeing as how science is a foreign concept to her home world, which relies on magic, she can’t warp her mind around it)

Code Name: Starwind
Primary Colour: teal
Power Type: wind
Sehashi Level
Weapon: Justice Blade
Name of Power: Air Whip
Power Type:
Description: A whip like blast of wind hits the enemy. Can be used to grab.
Name of Power: Golden Chains
Power Type:
Description: A chain formed of heart-surrounded Libra-symbols surrounds the enemy and shocks them
Name of Power: Swekäksyu Äro Pɥu (Golden Truth Show)
Power Type:
Description: Using the jewel of her sword, she can tell the truth about an enemy

Name of Power: Prismatic Wind Spiral
Power Type:
Description: Using her sword, she emits a beam that completely destroys an enemy