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Name: Ha’ven
Location: 1st planet out from the sun
Size: it’s pretty small compared to Earth, roughly three times the size of the moon
Rotation: Ha’ven doesn’t rotate. One side always faces the sun while the other is always dark.

The Planet[edit]

About the Sun(s): Sheratan
About the Moon(s): none
Main Terrain: The dark side of Ha’ven is mostly covered in forest. Most of its water is underground, coming up only sporadically. The daylight side is parched grassland and desert.
Largest known Surface Feature: There are very few mountains on Ha’ven, but the largest is Teles Shalor, a chain of flat topped mountains that rings the planet, running along the border between night and day.

The Atmosphere[edit]

Sky Color: black
Air Quality/Composition: The air is breathable
Average Surface Temperature:
Maximum Surface Temperature:
Minimum Surface Temperature:
Common Weather Patterns:
Rare Weather Patterns:

The Civilization[edit]

The Dominant Species: Laisheen Animal Life: Plant Life:
Shioye plant – a flowering plant that is poisonous. The flowers are pretty harmless; they’ll only give you a mild rash. It’s the leaves you need to be careful of. There’s a nasty poison coating on them. There are some people who aren’t bothered by it, but most have a fatal allergy to it. Laisheen are completely immune to its effects; it doesn’t occur to them that off-worlders would have the opposite reaction to touching it. Fish don’t seem to be bothered by it.