Keverynn history

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0 – The Nomads break off from the human population, tribes established - known as the Great Walk
2 - Horyinn established
3 - First recorded case of Barkskin

27 - Lida’neer mine opens

57 – First Darkrider pair: wolfling Daidalann and ivenkli Duskwing
78 – Dragonrider pair formed: human Kalainn and blue Holtrenn
97 - Siathi begin trading more outside Salcreria

121 - First wolfling dragonrider
127 – Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery founded by Tethtrulenn
129 – Construction completed on the Grandmaster’s Hall

172-175 – Throne City constructed, Five Towers raised
174 - Tchupak established
175 – Kathraal appointed as the first Master of the Obsidian Tower, Variatha made first Master of the Pearl Tower (Autumn)

188 – First siathi member of the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery

200 - Sutar established
205 – The Draewood created

212 – The rest of the siathi towers raised

246 – Storm Castle built

266 - Ti'ri established
267 – Fros’ke’hul built
268 – Kar’anya born

302 – Taishurenn becomes Grandmaster
308 – An ivenkli named Deathshadow destroyed a village that refused to pay tribute to the Darkriders

312 - Aurann splits off from Sutar

327 – First human member of the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery

342 – First chume’taly member of the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery
345 – Belladonna Manor built, Deathfire Ridge established

383 - Sisterhood study done on the Barkskin condition
384 – Vaen arrive on Keverynn

392 - Lida’neer mine shuts down

416 – Chume’shera built, Shadow Citadel discovered
418 - Josenda founded

423 – First vaen member of the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery
429 – Kimbala established, Threadsilk Manor built

441 - Aerfell Vostrann makes the enduring bangle
444 – Wolfling author Tailetrenn born on Vileshte

452 – The Great Plague

463 – A cure was found for the Plague
464 - Sunset Manor Founded
465 – Exile’s Island discovered by Xanturann and her rakloli, Shatterstorm

470 – Tailetrenn publishes her first literary work
477 – First skirmish between dragonriders and Darkriders
478 – Kilarnenn becomes Grandmaster

493 – The Unnamed Ruins discovered

527 – Chume’taly finish building their forest cities
580 – Sunhame, Forzenn Cove built
592 – Quarries at Auhine open; first vaen dragonrider
595 – Threadsilk Manor burned to the ground

603 - Sisterhood brokers a treaty with the Darkriders and Dragonlords to relocate to either side of the continent
608 – rebuilding of Threadsilk Manor complete

612 – Fal’denn has become famous for its seers

626 – Rapid View established

638 – The trick of making metallic thread discovered in Julikta

642 – Shova’kapei starts its yearly races

661 – Provinces established, construction begins on Ana-Lashann, Bilayna Kethnavi is Grandmaster of the Sisterhood
664 - Construction completed on Ana-Lashann
672 – Dragonlords established
673 – Construction begins on Chume’vera
687 – Arrack-Ley founded, Aya born
689 - Tailetrenn dies
690 – Lishmanyu becomes Grandmaster
695 – Tuarel built
696 – Hevashinn is Argent Dragonlord
699 – An ivekli named Deathshadow managed to single handedly kill three adult blue dragons, possibly using dirty tactics

700 – Standardized currency put into effect, mint at Arrack-Ley established
702 – Khallil the Great born
714 – Khallil joins the Darkriders, bonds with blue Skyhammer, Aya becomes Grandmaster
717 – Khallil bonds with black Warshriek, Estarra born, Kaalathkirenn predicts a massive war between the Dragonlords and Darkriders
717 – Construction on Hash-Beneir begins
718 - Ivothraw is Viridian Dragonlord
719 – Khallil executes a raid on Exiles Island and returns with a human woman of high birth named Meredith
720 - Darkriders rise to power
722 – Khallil bonds with green Slowdeath, Khallil’s son Juliano was born, Kaalathkirenn predicts the First Darkrider Incursion
723 – Sisterhood puts up the magical defenses on Hash-Beneir, the curse is placed on Storm Castle, Blue wyvern move their stronghold to Stormrunner’s Hollow, debate over Hash-Beneir’s name
725 – construction on Hash-Beneir complete, Estarra chosen as Aya’s successor
729 – Khallil bonds with Frostbite, First Darkrider Incursion
731 – Khallil leads the attack on Vileshte Island
732 – The Sisterhood falls, wolflings flee Vileshte, vaen exodus from the mainland
734 – Hash-Beneir named
738 – Khallil bonds with red Flashfire
740 – Darkriders beaten back, River Arcetes renamed River of Sorrows, Wolflings begin to find other places to live
741 - The towns of Auhara and Jap’ti’chel are established
742 – Khallil dies at the hands of Flashfire, Flashfire dies
743 – Old Ways are largely disused, Kaalathkirenn predicts next Incursion
746 - Laphtu is Viridian Dragonlord
782 - Wolfling colony established in the Elnnwood
796 – Magic falls into disuse as few non-Wolfling schools remain to teach it

803 – Jeturas Hold founded

817 - Largest known outbreak of Barkskin

839 – Vileshte officially renamed Beast Island, Arcetes renamed River of Sorrows

957 – Sisterhood has become a legend

1026 – Second Darkrider Incursion, Azure garrison established at Shadow Citadel

1165 - The Emporium of Wonder was founded

1567 - Study conducted on Barkskin

1875 - Josenda begins to be governed by elected mayors

1999 - Teprias born

2038 – Teprias becomes Argent Dragonlord

2084 – Third Darkrider incursion

2055 – Anghiel born

2079 – Deiwynn born

2080 – Kauphrenn dies, Anghiel becomes Master of the Obsidian Tower
2084-2087 – Third Darkrider incursion
2088 - Summer born

2090 - Anturamiyann born
2097 – Llyr Chooses Deiwynn

2100 – Events of Exile’s Song
2109 – Deiwynn becomes Argent Dragonlord

2115 – Anturamiyann Chosen by Taljeir

2132 – Quicksilver born

2144 – Winter is born

2150 – Okari Chooses Quicksilver
2153 – Spring is born

2166 – Autumn is born

2169 – Winter assumes post of Tower Master

2173 - Lilythayel born
2175 – Quicksilver becomes Ivory Dragonlord, replacing Emmaris

2206 – Adele Deshann born
2207 – Iadrish clan T’kern becomes Viridian Dragonlord
2208 – Rishna Dawneyes born

2217 – T’nethrann born
2218 – Jakkar Lotreyenn born
2219 – Batruss Kaloristann born

2221 – Jamekel Lotreyenn born, Lithayann Morrinwei born
2224 - Rialsirsha h'Leth born

2232 – Monra Chooses Lithayann
2234 – Tithre Chooses Rishna, a cure discovered for Barkskin
2235 – Jamekel meets Lithayann and they become involved.
2236 – Zarinn Chooses Jamekel
2238 – Rishna becomes Viridian Dragonlord

2240 - Aldarihanya passes away, Lilythayel becomes queen
2241 – Jakkar and Swordfang bond, Jamekel becomes Azure Dragonlord
2245 – Lithayann becomes Amber Dragonlord

2256 – Fourth Darkrider Incursion, Events of Path of the Warrior, Path of the Sorceress, Path of the Master