Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery

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Location: Vileshte Island
Founding Date: 127
Type: School of magic
Alternative names: The Sisterhood


The members of this guild are the best-trained warriors and magic users, on par or above all others on Keverynn. The guild itself is surrounded by the Green, an impenetrable forest, maintained by those with the powers and affinity to work with plants.

The valley it resides in is roughly oval in shape. At the poles of the glade are the barracks where its members reside. In the center is the Gather Hall. Beside it is the Grandmaster’s residence. Members are assigned a room based on their magical affinity.

Zarakshasha Court | Shakara Court | Yanaweh Court | Merashenn Court

Each Sister has their own room in their respective barracks. The rooms are small, but large enough for one to live comfortably. The contain a single bed, a dresser, a closet in one wall covered by a hanging, and a bookshelf. The walls are generally painted white, but the room’s occupant may redecorate to suit their tastes. The furniture may also be moved.

The Green

The Green is, to the ordinary and untrained eye, merely a thick clump of trees around the valley. It is so much more, however. It has limited sentience and is one of the few things that protected the Sisterhood from attack.

In it's prime, it was a magnificent forest of oak trees. After the fall of the Sisterhood, the trees became warped beyond recognition, into unnatural contortions. If the trees had been human, it could be said that the contortions were because of some great agony they’d been put through.

The Green has limited sentience and is able to defend itself to some extend, but it can only defend from one thing at a time. If you were to split an army into different groups and have them attack different locations at the same time, it would only be able to deflect one.

No one realized this one flaw in the Green; most of the sisters didn’t even know about it. The Grandmasters all knew, naturally, but it’s not something you want spread about. Until a particularly intelligent Darkrider by the name of Khallil the Great came to the fore, it was a very well-guarded secret. He was an expert strategist, having ridden, at that point, almost all of the five wyvern colors. At the time of the fall of the Sisterhood, he had a white for a mount. He kept throwing his forces at the Green until he figured out the full extent of its intelligence. That was the beginning of the end for the Sisterhood.

It can speak in a sense to anyone who has the Gift using simple words and pictures.


There are two ways someone joins the Sisterhood. The most common is to be noticed by an existing member, typically while working with one of the wandering Quartets during one of their circuits. The second is to go to Vileshte and apply directly.

Sensitive sisters pick people out of crowds. They most often select children as the young are most open to magic and don't have as much to unlearn. It's far easier to teach children than adults who have a lifetime of experiences and preconceptions. On occasion, though, a person' potentialfor magic doesn't open up enoughuntil they're older. Such things are rare, but it happens.

People wishing to join are welcome to make the journey as request to be tested or to have a relative tested. Typiaclly, one or both parents will bring a child in who has been exhibiting strange skills or behaviours. Sometimes the people asking for testing are runaways, orphans, victims of abuse, or noblesseeking to do soething other than what their family has planned for them. All are welcomed equally. They are first examined by a full member. If the hopeful student has sufficient potential or active gift, arrangements are made to have them admitted. In some cases, a testee is brought to the Grandmaster's attention, usually with very strong gifts. Students brought in by wandering Quartets are similarly examined.

Those found to have no ability at all are given the option of staying and helping out, going home or, if that's not an option, being found a home.

Students aren't separated into their elements during testing. There is a second, more thorough test to determine their precise placement. This test is administered after they've completed a course in magic theory. Once taken, they move from student housing and into what will be their permanent room. At this stage, they receive their uniforms.

Daily Life

Meals are held at regular intervals. A large bell in the tower of the Gather Hall chimes half an hour before mealtime and again at mealtime. Breakfast and nooning are held in the barracks. The evening meal is always held in the Gather Hall.

Students at the Sisterhood have very busy days.

During the days of Etamal, Shudat, Varinn, and Meshall, this schedule is adhered to. If a holiday falls on a regular class day, they're excused. The day of Sauvinn is designated as a rest day. Emarinn is used for field training.
6:30 - Wake up
7:00 - Morning chores
8:00 - Breakfast
9:00 - First class (standard)
10:00 - Second class (option)
11:00 - Third class (standard)
12:00 - Nooning
1:00 - Afternoon chores
2:00 - Fourth class (option)
3:00 - Fifth class (magic theory)
4:00 - Rest period
5:00 - Supper
6:00 - Evening chores
7:00 - Inspection (once a week)
8:00 - Free time
10:00 - In bed
10:30 - Lights out

Free time slots may be used by instructors to dole out punishments or additional chores.
Classes run for the entire year, allowing students to begin at any time. The system is designed ot make it easy to jump in to the classes. Courses are taught in self-contained modules.


Members are sorted into different Paths depending on their affinities.
Individuals with a weaker Gift are put on the Path of the Warrior where they learn to utilize their limited Gift to enhance their fighting skills.
Those who are more Gifted are put on the Path of the Sorceress, focusing more on their magic than on their combat skills
The Path of the Master is home to those who are exceptionally Gifted. It's from this Path that the Grandmasters choose their successors.

Code of Ethics

No member shall use their powers or gifts to inflict pain or suffering without due cause.
If a fellow member is in danger, it is required to do your best to aid them.
Killing is not permitted. This act is punishable as the Grandmaster dictates. Stripping the offending member of rank, power, and expelling the offender from the Sisterhood is mainly how this is done.
Killing, therefore, is only permitted in battle.
When traveling, you must abide by the laws of the land you are crossing through.
If called upon to act as an impartial judge in a local matter while traveling, you must do so to the best of your abilities after hearing all possible sides of the story, leaving nothing unheard, no matter how preposterous.
You must not use your powers to manipulate others to serve your own ends.
You must never use your powers for evil, to gain an unfair advantage over another, or to raise yourself.
There is to be no lording over those weaker than you, others of other elements and Paths, races, and genders. Everyone is equal when all is said and done.


1- The Grandmaster is the final law in all things concerning the Sisterhood.
2- Apprentices are directly under their Master’s authority. The next rank up is responsible for all those of lower rank than them. The highest-ranking member in the element is also held responsible for those of lower rank than them in that element and Path. There is a designated member of the top levels of each Path who is responsible for the entire Path. If none of this solves the problem, the Grandmaster is then approached, and only then.
3- No work is to be done on designated rest days.
4- In the event of an emergency or crisis, the previous rule is moot until it is solved.