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Alternative Name: The Valley


Guilds exist to maintain standards, ensure that prices remain fair, and that the education given to students with the aptitude for that vocation is up to the current standards. They also have a faction inside each guild that always looks for ways to improve methods, sometimes sending members to visit sibling guilds in the provinces to learn their methods.

Cross crafting largely depends on an individual's aptitude, training, and opportunity. Silk weavers will sometimes craft lace as well, for example. Farmers can also be tailors. Soldiers almost always have a secondary occupation as there’s rarely any call for the military.

Trades are largely dependent on geography. The northern and western parts of the valley are better suited to metal work as trade with the outside is easier there. The north still has a decent supply of mineral deposits so the majority of the jewelers are located there. Most of the animal husbandry is in the south where the grazing is the best for sheep and goats. Chickens are more common in the east as are weavers as the silkworms seem to find the humidity.

The siathi are largely insular and didn't really trade much outside of Salcreria until the year 97.


The landscape of Salcreria is dominated by grasslands. There are small lakes scattered throughout and one major river, known as Bugea. The largest lake is Viarsecan Geui, the lake the towers of Gleyarnae sprout from.

Salcreria is populated entirely by siathi. They live almost entirely in rural communities. There's only one major city.

While most siathi prefer to stay in the region they were born, some feel compelled to leave Salcreria altogether. When they do, it’s often to go to one of the Dragonlord Provinces. In extreme cases they’ll go as far north as the Nomad Territories or as far west as the Darkrider Territories.

Anyone moving there is of siathi heritage.

The Topaz Tower region is the least heavily populated while the Emerald Tower region is the most densely populated, largely due to the fact that Throne City is included in it.


Topaz Tower region
Moonstone Tower region
Emerald Tower region
Gold Tower region
Quartz Tower region
Sunstone Tower region
Topaz Tower region


Due to its location, Salcreria enjoys mild to hot weather year round.

Fauna & Flora

Siathi are the dominant species found here.

Salcreria is home to a plethora of insect, animal, and plant life. The largest animals found here are the wyndchilds.

Yahal sometimes come down from the woods during the winter when grazing gets scarce.

Geshu - simple rodents and common to the Valley. They are completely harmless
Moondrops - a fruit that grows primarily in the Quartz Tower region
Nectar – an addictive drug made from the avlada flower

Natural Resources

They make the best silk and musical instruments. Their primary import is wood. While they're surrounded by the Draewood, it is taboo to cut down any of its trees. They export cut and polished gems, fine jewelry, musical instruments, clothing, and high quality cloth.

The siathi settled there for its abundance of mineral resources. Most of these resources were depleted by raising the towers, but there’s still a decent amount left to be found.


97 - Siathi begin trading more outside Salcreria
172-175 – Throne City constructed, Five Towers raised
175 – Kathraal appointed as the first Master of the Obsidian Tower, Variatha made first Master of the Pearl Tower (Autumn)
188 – first siathi member of the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery
205 – The Draewood created
212 – The rest of the siathi towers raised
696 – Hevashinn is promoted to the post of Argent Dragonlord
722 – Keturi Kaalathkirenn predicts the First Darkrider Incursion
2080 – Kauphrenn dies, Anghiel becomes Master of the Obsidian Tower
2169 – Winter assumes post of Tower Master
2173 - Lilythayel born
2240 - Aldarihanya passes away, Lilythayel becomes queen