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Anjus’ketlen the Fierce – a naga god and one of the three sons of Tehaksha and Not. A member of the Kha’len. He is the god of anger
Astareya the Watcher – elder goddess and mother of Aquhilte and Zeshatel. Shai'then female, patron of astrologers
Aquhilte the WingedLunyari female, daughter of Astareya and Kalhalla. Mother of Obrel. She is the goddess of the fifth year of the Cycle. Patron of birds and flight
Avren Windrider – elder god and kairyll felnas male, father of Jiyudi. God of flight.

Bel'fek'laren the Spinner – a naga goddess and one of the three daughters of Sahalje’ran. A member of the Shin’ho’juan; she is the goddess of birth.
Bitorren the Wise – male kairyll felnas. God of mages and magic in general.

Caerdan Wavedancer – Hukoh God; Human male. Patron of hukoh mages, bodies of water, and music. Son of Toth and Zeshatel.
Charoverre Many Horns – Centauricorn, son of Lankirrinve and Uktala. Patron of jyelyar, racing, and dangerous journeys.

Deinara the Swimmer – Human female, goddess of the thirteenth year of the Cycle. Daughter of Toth and Zeshatel.
Deimdemona the Swift – Centauricorn, patron of messengers, deer, forests, and summer solstice
Delyar Burning Hands – Rokúm God; Centauricorn male. Patron of rokúm types, smiths, and warriors. Son of Thanos and Kihitvela, nephew of Tesha, cousin to Hilandra and Hihaye.
Donn High Flyer – Kairyll felnas and an elder goddess, patron of the tenth month of the year on calendars predating the War of the Roses. Calendars listing Donn are still in use on Keltos.

Geffien the Frightner – Centauricorn, patron of nightmares, shadows, and secrecy.

Hebron the Scholar – Human male, he is the god of Schelast, the seventh month of the year, patron of writing, writers and harps. Worshipped mainly by Scholars. Son of Shan-Illu and Nelar, twin brother to the demi-goddess Empress Hihaye.
Hiannei Soft-Heart - elder goddess, mother of Ilvanadil. Goddess of mercy

Idrahin Smooth Scale – elder god, kairyyl dracar, patron of artists and reptiles. Father of Quvien
Iphinine Ice Foot – Centauricorn, patron of hukoh magic, cold weather, and the winter solstice
Ijil'prt'kolu the Measurer - a naga goddess and one of the three daughters of Sahalje’ran. A member of the Shin’ho’juan; goddess of life.
Ilvanadil the Blessed - second generation, shai'then female, patron of miracles, luck, and cats. Daughter of Tauthanil and Hiannei

Jinkathi the Silent – male Kairyll karshe, patron of earth, son of Donn and Avren. Patron of silence, the deaf, and orphans
Jiyudi Tall Tree – Kairyll karshe, daughter of Kiten and Avren. Patron of wild animals and medicinal plants
Junati the Patient – Kairyll karshe, son of Donn and Bitorenn. Patron of caretakers, parents, and story tellers

Kain’uras the Bold – elder god; Naga male, god of the fourth year of the Cycle. Patron of dogs, construction, quarries, archery. He is Szinre’s father.
Kalhalla the Seer – elder god, father of Aquhilte and Kazerinthe. Naga god of the seventh year of the Cycle. Patron of prophets and Khurove magic.
Kazerinthe the Star Eyed – elder lunyari goddess; mother of Tiylshan and Kelphar; Patron of hukorr types, winged beings, and astrologers.
Kelphar Bright Eyes – Lunyari female, daughter of Kazerinthe and Tarsis. Goddess of the sun.
Kephru Moonsilver – An elder among the gods. Lunyari female, goddess of the eighth year of the Cycle. Goddess worshipped outside of the Alliance, represented in the night sky as Tiylshan. Sister to Shan-Illu, aunt to Hebron and Hihaye, and mother to Yuleta and Hilandra.
Kha’len – a triad of male shai’then deities that are the chaotic opposite of the Shin’ho’juan. They consist of Anjus’ketlen, Rai’telpet, and Vetol’xosed.
Kihitvela the Sleeper – Centauricorn female, daughter of Lankirrinve and Tehvir. Goddess of Jekenth, the first month of the year. Patron of sleepers.
Kiten the Mother – elder goddess, kairyyl dracar. Mother of Jiyudi and patron of egg laying and childbirth in general.

Lankirrinve the Warrior – Male centauricorn, god of Dolmen, the eighth month of the Keltos calendar as well as the eighth week of the Ardren calendar. Father of Kihitvela. Patron of warriors and the lance. Inventor of the Lankirr lance.

Nelar the HiddenNaga male, god of the sixteenth year of the Cycle. Patron of magic users, luck, chance, and coincidences. Twin of Not, father to Hebron, Bel’fek’laren, Ijil’prt’kolu, and Zu’ul’pri’nut.
Not the Trickster – naga male, god of the thirteenth month of the year. Patron of fools, pranks, and shape shifters. Twin of Nelar.

Obrel the Mountain Tall – Lunyari, son of Tarsis and Aquhilte. God of the twelfth year of the Cycle. Patron of mountains, mountain climbers and animals, rockslides, and avalanches. He is a former lover of Kephru's.
Osquarith Soulsmith - shai'then god, Patron of khurove and confessions. Son of Tauthanil and Zeknieh.

Qushremil Strongwing - shai'then god, patron of cartographers, explorers, and birds of prey. Son of Osquarith and Quvien
Quvien Strong Wind - shai'then goddess, patron of wind and hukorr magic. Daughter of Idrahin and Varanni

Rai’telpet the Unceasing – a naga god and one of the three sons of Tehaksha and Not. A member of the Kha’len. He is the deity of grudges.

Sahalje’ran the Masked – elder naga goddess and mother of Bel’fek’laren, Ijil’prt’kolu, and Zu’ul’pri’nut.
Shan-Illu the Shining One – An elder among the gods. Lunyari female, goddess of the ninth year of the Cycle. She is worshipped in the Soulforge Alliance. Consort to Tesha, sister to Kephru, aunt to Hilandra, and mother of Hihaye and Hebron.
Shin’ho’juan – a triad of female Shai’then goddesses. They are the counterpoint to the Kha’len. They consist of the deities Bel’fek’laren, Ijil’prt’kolu, and Zu’ul’pri’nut.
Szinre Prey Pacer – She is the goddess of the first year of the Cycle. Patron of hunters, forest, war, fertility, and wolves. Daughter of Xitolian and Kain'uras.

Tarsis Sharpeyes – elder shai'then god, father of Kelphar and Obrel. God of the tenth month of the year. Patron of scouts and hunters.
Tauthanil the Joyous - elder shai'then god, father of Ilvanadil and Osquarith. Patron of celebrations, wine, and birds
Tehaksha Soul Eater – An elder among the gods. Hell Goddess; Naga female, goddess of the last day of the year. Mother of Anjus’ketlen, Rai’telpet, and Vetol’xosed.
Tehvir the Wanderer – Centauricorn who is an elder among the gods. Goddess of Andan, the sixth month of the year. Mother of Kihitvela. Her followers are known as the Watchers of the Wood.
Tenyuu the Griffin – An elder among the gods. Father of Toth and Uras. Griffin God; Lunyari male, god of the sixth year of the Cycle. Patron of griffins, fathers and fatherhood.
Tesha Firestarter – Lunyari male, god of the tenth year of the Cycle. Patron of fire. Consort to Shan-Illu, father of Hilandra and Hihaye, uncle of Hilandra and Yuleta, Brother of Thanos, and uncle to Delyar. Symbol: fire
Thanos the Forger – Human male, god of the second year of the Cycle. Patron of metals, the forge, weaponry, and horses. Father of Delyar and brother to Tesha.
Tiylshan Soft Glow – Lunyari goddess of the moon, daughter of Not and Kazerinthe.
Toth the Cold – Human male, son of Zeshatel and and Tenyuu. God of the fifteenth year of the Cycle.
Turitha Green Thumb – Khufurr Goddess; Naga female, daughter of Szinre and Junati. Patron of khufurr types, gardeners, and Healers.

Uktala the Bountiful – Centauricorn, elder goddess. Patron of khufurr magic, the harvest, and the fall season. Mother of Charoverre
Uras the Trapper – Bear God; human male, son of Tenyuu and Xitolian. God of the third year of the Cycle. Patron of trappers, bears, tanners.

Varanni Brightbloom - elder goddess, human female. Goddess of summer, farmers, and social gatherings. Mother of Quvien
Velkan the Inked – female kairyyl dracar, patron of oaths and contracts. Daughter of Quvien and Jinkathi
Vetol’xosed the Vengeful – a naga god and one of the three sons of Tehaksha and Not. A member of the Kha’len. He is the deity of vengeance.

Xitolian Wild Hunt – elder among the gods; human female, mother of Uras, Szinre, and Toth. Goddess of animals, hunting, and the night.

Yuleta the Just - Lunyari female, goddess of Tanen, the fourth month of the year. Daughter of Kephru and an unknown father.

Zeknieh Starstone - shai'then elder, goddess of beauty, love, and jewelry makers. Mother of Osquarith
Zeshatel Thunder Voice – Lunyari female, daughter of Kalhalla and Astareya. Goddess of the eleventh year of the Cycle. Patron of the weather, vengeance, hospitality.
Zest the Pure – Lunyari female, daughter of Thanos and Yuleta. Goddess of the fourteenth year of the Cycle. Patron of virgins.
Zu'ul'pri'nut the Cutter – a naga goddess and one of the three daughters of Sahalje’ran. A member of the Shin’ho’juan; goddess of death.