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Ruler: Hilandra
Flower: black rose
Animal: Griffin
Gemstone: amethyst
Colour: dark purple
Primary goddess: Kephru
Demographics: Human, Kairyll, Lunyari
Seat: Eventide Palace
Other Settlements:

  • Luyan
  • Tilyr
  • Braithi Hall
  • Shrirrichyk
  • Defritu
  • Tikheruth
  • Rithoge
  • Nuserill

Most people in Luyan and on Keltos in general refer to Hilandra by name. It's how she prefers it.

It’s an island nation, accessible by sea or by air. Air travel is accomplished via griffin. It’s neighboring nation is Ardren. They along with the rest of the Soulforge Alliance are openly hostile.


Notable Geographic Features=

Lake Junati
Donn River
Bitorren Forest
Velkan River
Jinkathi Mountains
Tiylshan Island
Jiyudi Forest
Windrider Peaks
Kiten Peaks
Idrahin Marsh
Darkmoon Rush
Nightrose River
Tihikte River
Altera Island
Darkraven's Grove
Tenhiyuu Bay
Crtathi River
Darkwing Stream
Nightbloom Isle
Nightstone Islet


Keltos was chosen as their new home after they fled Kaishivan largely for its seclusion. Hilandra believed they could live there in peace, without fear of persecution or slaughter. This was true for more than a thousand years but now the enemy they fear has become aware of their new home.

They lag a bit beyond the Alliance in technology as they don’t have access to the amount of resources they do, nor do they have access to centauricorn, shai'then, or naga crafting techniques. They do, however, have kairyll and their own unique set of crafting skills.

Compared to the other individual countries it isn’t widely populated. This is mostly by design. In the early days on Keltos, it was decided that it would be best to put limits on family sizes so that they wouldn’t outgrow the island and risk discovery by the Alliance. Families are restricted to two children. Exceptions are made in the case of multiple births. Couples incapable of conceiving are given the option to adopt. They can also petition to have a fertile couple conceive one for them. Same gender couples are not only welcome but are accepted. Accidents happen and children are sometimes left without parents. The ones not taken in by infertile couples are usually taken in by these couples.

Humans, lunyari, kairyll felnas, kairyll karshe, and kairyll dracar make up the population of Keltos.

While magic is legal it’s mostly practiced by the lunyari and kairyll. Humans who practice generally find themselves in the service of the Twilight Empress.

They have no import or exports. They have to be self-sufficient. Trade and barter play a major role in their economy as they have no formal currency.

They lost the War of the Roses. Their history maintains that this loss is only because their enemies rallied to Hihaye’s side, forming the Soulforge Alliance. Many are still bitter about it.

Keltos keeps a close watch on the Alliance to ensure that they remain hidden.

All races lived in Kaishivan at some point. There was, they say, even a herd or two of centauricorn, but you won’t find any on Keltos. None fought with us in the war, preferring to return to their ancestral lands in the mountains to the north of Miltan in order to avoid the fighting.