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Shai'then have golden skin. Males have a deeper, duskier tone.

Instead of hair they sport a crest of feathers the same shade as their wings. Females have a single colour while men have two.

Their wings sprout from the underside of their arms, leaving their hands free. Hands have four digits.

The women stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and slender. The men are a little taller and broader. Their eyes are universally blue or green. They have a long, feathered tail that is pointed like a raven’s. They have two pronged horns on the side of their heads just beneath the hairline. Males have more pronounced horns. Their feet and lower legs resemble the feet of birds with four toes that end in curved talons.


The shai'then have wings. When not in use, they're very small. When they use them, the wings change in appearance, growing to a useable size but retaining their original color.


Alongside the worship of the other gods and goddesses of Melphor, they worship a triad of goddesses unique to them called the Shin'ho'juan (Bel’fek’laren, Ijil’prt’kolu, and Zu’ul’pri’nut ) and an opposing triad of gods that they call the Kha'len (Anjus’ketlen, Rai’telpet, and Vetol’xosed) that act as a chaotic element. The Shai'then believe that all things must be in balance.


The actual act is almost identical to that of the human race. It's the courtship and familial structures that differ. To start with, it's the women who are in charge. They will only choose males that they deem suitable. The criteria for this varies from person to person, but the most prevalent of these is looks. The flashiest male will be chosen as a general rule. Other criteria include things like family status, talents, and sometimes even personality factors in. It's not often that this choice is permanent; mating for life is very rare and considered to be limiting the gene pool. To keep things safe, careful genealogical records are kept. Genealogy is also important as is social standing. It's not uncommon for wealthier women to have harems of men that they choose from. When a female has chosen her male, he then lives with her until the third year of the child's life unless circumstances dictate otherwise. A female will live in a house, usually with her mother or grandmother, who help her raise her young.



They are strictly matriarchal in structure and are ruled over by a hereditary Duchess. Other leaders are elected every ten years and these positions include the individual Town Heads, provincial heads, town and provincial councils (consisting of three members each), and the Duchess’ advisors (though these are elected by the nobility rather than the shai’then as a whole). All judiciary officials are appointed by the councils of their area of jurisdiction. For example, a town council will appoint the judiciary for their town, while only the Duchess can appoint the High justices. Men aren't often elected to any office, but it happens. While the Duchess has the ultimate say in what goes on regarding her people, she will virtually always defer to Empress Hihaye.


Shai’then eat more fish than anyone else. Fish eggs are a prized treat to them, with certain varieties prized more highly than others.