Common Elements

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The numbers 5 and 7 pop up a lot in my writing, specifically in the linked worlds of the Aetherium. This is what led me to connect them in the first place. Some of these are deliberate, while others I discovered while I was working. This list is far from complete as the books and their worlds continue to grow and develop.


(An’katerr) There are 5 Sky Lords, 5 Sages, and 5 active Sacred Warriors at any given point in time. Taking this further, this is also the number of countries and Imperial Houses.
There are 5 factions on Keverynn: Darkriders, Dragonlords, Siathi, Nomads, and the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery.
Keverynn’s mainland is home to 5 species of dragons and wyvern. Alastea also has 5 species, but a different combination of the 7 total species.
Mages have access to five elements to base their magic on
The Creatrix broke into five fragments
(Keverynn) There are five central towers in Salcreria


Keverynn has 7 species of dragons and wyvern
In total, An’katerr has 7 gods
Each country on An’katerr has a total of 35 Sacred Gems
Melphor has 7 countries
(Keverynn) Not counting the central towers, there are 7 regional towers in Salcreria