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An’katerr is a small planet, a little more than half the size of Earth. It is the fourth planet out from the sun with an average distance of 210 million km. The sun is called Shildrian, though it's proper name is rarely used. Only one moon orbits around An’katerr. It’s fairly large and pearly white in color. The planet’s inhabitants call it Imbria. There is a red comet that passes by the planet every 150 years. Known as the Tail of the Dragon, it heralds a time of change in the country of Telvan. In the other four countries, it’s largely insignificant. There are 6 other planets in the system: 3 closer to the sun and 3 further out.

Each day has 22 hours. A year on this world has 312 days. The year is divided into seasons rather than months. Each season has 78 days.

Typically, the sky is a pale blue.

The weather varies from country to country. In general it stays fairly warm. Winters are only really cold in the northernmost country of Jiinal while a summer in Shanshiire can be fatally hot given that it’s a desert country. Telvan experiences a more moderate climate, rarely getting hotter than 25 degrees Celsius. Doval is cooler than Telvan, staying in the mid teens. Zalityu has a climate similar to Telvan’s, though it has been known to have temperatures similar to those in Shanshiire as they are the most central country and don’t benefit from the ocean as its neighbors do.
Maximum Surface Temperature: 47 degrees Celsius
Minimum Surface Temperature: -29 degrees Celsius

Hurricanes and such similar storms are common in Doval, Telvan, and Shanshiire. In Jiinal, due to the nature of its layout, experiences them in a different manner though they still occur. The outermost islands have much more severe storms than the other countries while the inner most ones get the mildest storms. Zalityu, being landlocked, doesn’t get as many storms. It has a single rainy season but is otherwise fairly dry. Earthquakes are rare.


An’katerr has a single continent and several islands that sit roughly on the equator. The continent is mostly grasslands with one mountainous region and a very large desert. There is a great deal of water, as the continent is surrounded by ocean and many rivers run through it, forming deep lakes and marshy areas.

Interesting Geographic Features

The Dragon River: It winds its way south through the most northern part of the country. It originates in the Great Basin Lake in Doval. The Dovalians have an entirely different name for that river.
Great Basin Lake: There are two rivers that spread out from the Great Basin Lake. One terminates down in Telvan while the other goes into Zalityu and branches off.
Wild Howl River: The river running westward from the Great Basin Lake into Zalityu is so named as where it begins is a massive waterfall.
Red Water River: The south running river from the Great Basin Lake, named for the reddish clay found at the bottom. Some historians think that the Red Water got its name because it runs into Telvan.
White River: the only river that flows into Shanshiire. It comes out of Zalityu where it is better known as Maiden’s River.
Maiden’s River: a branch of the Great Mother River
Great Mother River: a river that flows into Zalityu from Doval. It branches off into the Maiden’s River. Where the two rivers meet is a sacred site to the Zalites as the daughter of the First Emperor drowned there.

Animal Life

False dragon
Sand Mouse

Plant Life

Licala vines: they produce a purple fruit shaped like eggs and taste quite sweet.
Tovren bush: a bush that typically grows in the wild that has a pale yellow flower.
Dragon berries: bright red, round berries that are edible but can make you very dizzy if you eat too many
Ash flower: common in the wooded areas of Telvan
Taila berries – a sweet but slightly bitter berry that grows wild on bushes all over Telvan. Berries are at their ripest in the summer. The hotter the weather the better the berries are.
Kistrala: a rare spice that grows only in Northwall.
Diatho: a variety of red grape common to the Ioridan Valley. It can be eaten raw, used to make wine, or distilled into a beverage called riava.
Tala berries
Caltris – a kind of coniferous tree that makes a mildly sweet syrup. Common to the northern regions of Doval
Sea grapes: they make wine from it that fetches outrageously high prices in other countries
Arillira: a plant that produces a highly nutritional food item that tastes kind of like strong beans mixed with broccoli. When pureed into a paste, a spoonful of it will keep someone alive when there is no other food source.
Kilana: a grey fruit that taste like peaches
Dria – a dark fruit that looks like a plum and tastes like a cross between an apple and an orange
Creep grass - a thin, grey-green plant that is a common weed and grows everywhere. Left unchecked, it will spread its roots out, choking out the others. It has no real value to most people, but hunters will make a paste from it to colour their skin and mask their scent so that they might be more effective on the hunt.
Northern sweet pepper - a bushy plant with lumpy orange fruit. When they're ripe, their colour is more of a red than orange