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Current Ruler: Leshmiir d’Wolvam
Patron: Kal Kiterr
Currency: Wolf
Colour: Brown
Known Organizations: Chant of Wood, Wolf Warriors, House d'Wolvam


The small Tenoa River flows southward from the Great Basin Lake and becomes the Naeihon Falls. At the base of the falls, the Relik River gradually narrows as it winds through the valley, going from river to stream and eventually to a narrow brook.


The terrain is mostly flat prairies with woodlands in the north. Hurricanes and such similar storms are common along the coast.


Honey, leesha fruit, lumber, and beans.



Ranks in the Dovalian army
Rank Uniform Header text
Recruit First Class plain Insignia
Recruit Second Class badge with two stripes
Recruit Third Class badge with three stripes
Recruit Fourth Class badge with four stripes
*Private no bars
*Corporal one bar
*Sergeant two bars
*Master sergeant three bars
Lieutenant one shoulder cover
Captain two shoulder covers
Major three shoulder covers
**Colonel four shoulder covers
**General four shoulder covers

  • None of these ranks merit shoulder covers. Rank is shown by decorative pins on the left shoulder strap of the breastplate
    • These officers are permitted to have hair

Generals also wear an engraved breastplate

Animal life

Wolf, brown: unlike most wolf species, this one prefers the open plains to forested areas.
Yairo: a kind of cow that is multi-coloured and spotted, generally in cream, black, brown, roan, or grey tones. It is used for milk and leather. The meat is typically exported.
Rajit – a kind of large jackrabbit that is often raised and eaten by common folk
Nuren - a kind of hardy sea crab that lived in the deeper waters
Hennas bird - their feathers are often used to make high quality quills
Ranas - a beach dwelling bird

Plant life

Kistrala: a rare spice that grows only in Northwall.
Diatho: a variety of red grape common to the Ioridan Valley. It can be eaten raw, used to make wine, or distilled into a beverage called riava.
Tala berries
Caltris – a kind of coniferous tree that makes a mildly sweet syrup. Common to the northern regions of Doval