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Where does magic come from?
Magic isn’t an innate ability to the ferali. It requires a great deal of patience and study to learn. High skill with magic is seen as a sign of favour from the gods.

Who can do magic?
Anyone with enough time and patience can learn how to use it, but since more people on Feralia spend their time farming or working a trade, magic is generally seen as a pursuit exclusive to the upper classes.

How do you use magic?
Magic is triggered through a combination of key words and hand gestures. Simple spells, such as lighting a candle, could be accomplished with a simple gesture or by utilizing the key word. Higher level magic requires both.

What can't magic do?
No Magi can work outside of their discipline. A white magi couldn’t use combat magic, nor could an alchemist commune with animals.

Limitations of body (and soul)
Magic is exhausting and causes a drain on the body. It takes years of practice to build up the ability to use it without being completely exhausted. Physical exercise is recommended to help with that. Using too much magic for too long or trying a spell that’s too strong for where you’re at can make you very ill or even kill you.
Geometric growth of complexity
Lower level magic has simple gestures and key words. Higher powered magic has increasingly more complex gestures and phrases to make them work.
Range of magic
All spells have a general range of effectiveness, ranging away from the caster. This range increases slightly with the power and experience of the individual magi. A first year student casting a fireball wouldn’t be able to send it as far as someone who’d been practicing that same spell for twenty years.
Nothing appears from thin air
The only discipline capable of turning one thing into another are the grey magi. It’s a difficult discipline to get into and requires the most study. As such, grey magi are highly prized.
We don't know everything
The blue magi dedicate their lives to learning not only about the past and recording the present but to studying magic and learning new ways to use it.