
About the Species[edit]
Scientific Name: Zekoe Nemya
Lifespan: 80 years
Average Height: Females average about 5’2’, while males are only slightly taller on average at 5’4’’
Average Weight:
- Females: 99 - 121 lb (44.9 - 54.9 kg)
- Males: 117 - 143 lb (53 - 64.8 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking: Ferali tend to have dark skin. The standard tone is a nutty brown. Paler skin tones are seen as abnormal. Darker browns are exotic and sought after. Vainer Ferali do what they can to artificially darken their skin.
Related Ethnicities: Becinian, Ciheian, Effervander, Paroran, Thaulander
Gestation: 27-34 weeks
Offspring: single offspring, though multiple births have been known to happen
Type of offspring: live
Raised by: parents
Birth length: 40-45 cm
Birth weight: 5-7 lbs
Gender and age distinctions[edit]
Young: Sprout
Juvenile: Sapling
Group: Grove
Other than the obvious reproductive organs, there’s very little difference between the genders. Men are slightly bigger than the women, but it’s not a significant difference.

Eyes open: at birth
Weaned: Generally this is at the discretion of the parents, but on average they’ve been weaned by their first birthday.
Independant: It is generally assumed that by the time a child has reached the age of 10 that they can do most things for themselves.
Maturity: Physical maturity is reached somewhere between the ages of 16-19 with some individuals developing more rapidly than others.
Diet is determined more by location than by anything in their physiology. Ferali are omnivorous by nature and are capable of eating almost anything.
Political Structure: All five ferali countries are ruled by monarchies.
Personal Freedoms: For the most part, they have freedom of speech. This varies from country to country. Religion is one area where they have the most freedom as they live in a polytheistic society. There’s a lot to choose from.
People are born into their social class. It's possible to move from class to class. It’s not easy, but if someone works hard enough they can change their lot in life.
Spices, rare metals, wood, silk, and medicine are highly valued.
While some weapons are restricted to the army, normal citizens are permitted to carry small weapons for personal protection. Anything larger requires a permit and training.
Ferali revere nature and are almost exclusively named for plants. Trees and bushes are the most common names types.
Because they have hoof-like feet, they don't wear shoes.
Members of the nobility wear hats to show their status. The bigger the hat, the higher their social standing.
All ferali speak a common language: Ferali. There are some regional differences but by and large a ferali can make themselves understood no matter where they go. This is largely due to the work of the Magi in keeping it that way.
The current religion was founded sometime in the second age. There's no record of who was responsible for it. The majority of the population has some involvement with religion. non-believers are viewed with distrust. After all, how could you not believe in the gods?
Fasting takes place when a holy day requires it.