
There are seven ranks withing the Magi that are the same regardless of which discipline a magi belongs to. From highest to lowest:
1. Kenyovarda
2. Adjuthen
3. Vasutraan
4. Tougvarda
5. Fedaami
6. Glevyaw
7. Dayedko
The Magi fall into one of five different disciplines. Each one is designated by a distinct colour of uniform or robe that they wear.
White Magi are healers.
Blue Magi are scholars.
Grey Magi are alchemists.
Red Magi are battle mages.
Green Magi are nature mages.
Magic is generally considered a pursuit of the upper class as they’re the only ones who can really spare the extensive time to study it. That’s not to say that there aren’t and lower class or peasant magi, but they’re certainly in the minority.
The most common magi are the White and Green.
There’s a great deal of demand for the services of the healer magi. As such, they tend to be itinerant in the early stages of their training, settling down in a town in their middle years, usually to train an apprentice. White and Red magi aren’t fond of each other.
Green magi are useful in rural areas, which makes up most of Feralia. They help predict weather and they make excellent animal trainers. If a town is lucky enough to have one in residence they have a significant reduction in wild animal attacks.
The scholarly blue magi aren’t often seen outside of cities and large towns where they can safely study. When they need to travel they do so while accompanied by at least one red magi.
The rare grey magi aren’t permitted to travel outside of the capital cities due to their rarity. They spend a lot of time working with the white magi concocting remedies as well as turning otherwise worthless scraps of material into something more valuable. It takes a significant amount of material to make a small amount of something better as well as a great deal of energy, so these magi are well cared for by their country’s rulers.
Battle magi spend a great deal of their time working with the armies, learning how to best use their magic to enhance the effectiveness of the soldiers, whether that be to protect them with magical shields or using magic as a part of their combat tactics.
Whenever there's a strange occurrence, the magi are inevitably called upon. White magi are summoned to help with outbreaks of plague and illness. Green magi help with drought, animal infestations, and other such nature related occurrences.
The scholarly blue magi often assist all branches of the school to see if there may be a historical reason for things to be happening, but they also keep track of things that have happened and have helped reduce the damage from major disasters.
The grey magi work tirelessly to increase the wealth of their respective kingdoms and are rarely called upon in a crisis.
The brave red magi train to help defend their kingdoms.
When the slimes were first discovered in Meadowcove Fields in 392, it was a contingent of Blue Magi who were eventually called upon to study these creatures. Eventually, they asked the Green Magi to assist them as it was clear that more assistance was needed. The study is ongoing.