Welcome to the official Aetherium Wiki, the comprehensive guide to the Keverynn, An'katerr, and more!
This site is currently under construction.
- July 04, 2023: Initial customization of the page is done, logo created and uploaded. Articles in progress.
- Series Summary
- Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3
- Characters
- Agents | Cultists | Siathi | Darkriders | Dragonlords | Nomads | Others
- Species
- Dragons | Wyvern | Chume'taly | Siathi | Wolflings
- Keverynn
- Keverynn
- Maps
- Provinces POIs | Salcreria POIs |
About the Wiki
The Aetherium Wiki provides information about the Aetherium, its Books, and other phenomena surrounding them. The wiki is created and maintained by Melissa Stone, the Aetherium's creator and copyright holder. The wiki is intended to be a source of information for fans and will continue to grow as the worlds develop. Read More...