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The term ‘wolfling’ is not the correct name for this particular race, though it is appropriate. Since they don’t like to discuss what they call themselves with outsiders, the term has stuck and most people aren’t even aware that they have another name for themselves. Those outside of their race that have knowledge of this true name have been sworn to secrecy.
Wolfling is a word that is descriptive of their origins. Early in their existence, all members of the race could take the shape of a wolf. Over time, other shapes began to appear until there were individuals who could assume the shape of birds, deer, wyndchilds and even rabbits. The wolf shape has become quite rare and those who can take this shape are considered special.


The first wolflings lived in relative isolation on Vileshte Island. Some moved on to settle in the places now known as Auran, Horyin, and Tchupak. They didn’t always have the ability to shape change. They claim that this came about because of a woman of their species whom they name Pellanya. The story goes that she was running for her life, praying to Tahklevehann as she ran, begging for him to deliver her. He responded by transforming her into a she wolf. In this form, she escaped from her pursuers and made it home where her proper shape was restored. She was never again able to transform, but al of her children and their children were able to do so and this gift passed through the wolfling lineage until they were all able to do so.


The tallest wolfling on record stood at an impressive 5’7’’(about 170 cm). The average height for them is about 5’2’’(about 157.5 cm). They have ears similar in size to a human’s, but they are tapered to a thin point at the tips. Their eyes are slanted slightly. In build, they tend to be fairly solid, but the odd one turns out slender.
Coloration is quite light. The darkest hair color is a light brown. Blonds make up the bulk of the population. Other hair colors are white and varying shades of grey. Eye coloring is likewise light with pale blue, silver, leaf green, and lavender comprising the normal spectrum. Other colors are extremely rare.
Physically, a wolfling doesn’t look particularly dangerous, but they are the strongest bipedal species on Keverynn.
As wolflings are a very long lived species, they take longer to mature than Keverynn’s other races. To start with, adulthood is granted close to their 50th year of life with full physical maturity being reached around their 30th year. Gestation takes 18 months to complete. During the very early stages of pregnancy, it isn’t recommended for mothers to shape change as it can cause miscarriage. In the last few months however, it’s encouraged.


They have absolutely no kind of communal government. They have very tightly knit family groups will listen to the eldest member of that group. Outside of that, they follow the rules of whichever town or place they find themselves living in. They are the most adaptive group of people on Keverynn, more so even than humans. They aren’t as numerous, but they are far and away the most widespread.


Since they are so slow to reach maturity, children are highly valued and protected. Violence towards children brings out a wolfling’s more dangerous side, regardless of whether the child in question is a wolfling or even theirs for that matter. They cannot understand why someone would want to hurt a child. Both genders are equally protective of children. Multiple births are fairly common with twins being the norm. More than three is rare as are single births.


It’s not widely spoken of, but they have continued to venerate Tahklevehann, the Father of the wolfling race. If an outsider knew what to look for, this would be quite obvious. Wolf’s Head symbols and depictions of the Wolf’s Head constellation are prevalent throughout their ornamentation and decoration. Pearl is the most favored gemstone and holly is a special plant to them. Holly plants are present in most homes and images of it are dyed, embroidered, and carved into clothing and furniture.
They do have a belief in reincarnation, which is unique on Keverynn. They believe that their essence (called Kiil) goes to the Sacred Forest after the body dies where it rests. In some cases, this Kiil gets reborn into a new body in order to help guide the wolflings either individually or as a whole in times of trouble. Reincarnation (or Kiil’jahad) has little to do with how a person has lived their life, though it’s mutually agreed that those who have led a bad life are unsuited for Kiil’jahad. This is a sacred thing to the wolflings and is not joked about. To make a false claim of being reincarnated (or Kill’jahad’renn) is a serious offense to them. Not in the sense that it’s criminal, but in the sense that it offends them personally. Such people are permanently labeled as liars until their death. Outside of Kiil’jahad, they also have a kind of ancestor worship much as the Horyin Nomads do. While they have a great respect for the Kiil’jahad’renn, they hope to never see one of their ancestors reborn, as it is a sign of great troubles to come. One of the prayers they have is one to keep their Ancestors up in the Sacred Forest. They often leave offerings of holly as well as rowan and sweet pea on the grave sites to that end, as rowan is the sacred wood of Morshann, patron Deity of the entire world and sweet pea is sacred to Krillinn, Deity of the Afterlife.
The Ancestors can be asked for guidance in hard times, but given their fear that an Ancestor will come back to them, times are quite hard before this plea is even made.


There are some places on Keverynn where the wolflings simply will not go. One such place is known as the Stygian Plains, located in the territory traditionally held by the black wyvern. The plains range from the Twilight Valley up to a spot just south of the Shadow Citadel. It is a common euphemism for an impossibility: like a wolfling on the Stygian Plains.


The wolfling language is called Bach'ai.


Of all of the people on Keverynn, none can manipulate magical energies as skillfully as the wolflings. It was a wolfling who originally founded the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery, hence why the Sisterhood is located on Vileshte. Their skill with magic is partly due to their shape changing and the circumstances that caused it, but even before that they had great skills. Even the weakest among them can use basic magic. Where the other species on Keverynn tend to have affinities with particular element, a wolfling has an equal affinity to all of them. Humans are the only other race that comes close, but even they lean more towards some elements more than the others. Wolflings also have the highest number of Spirit users.


A wolfling’s shape is determined in the womb, but they don’t learn how to shift into it until their late teens to early twenties. Shape isn’t genetic; it’s rare for a child to have the same shape as a parent. No one is really sure what determines a child’s shape and theories abound for how to determine what a child’s shape will be based on what the pregnancy was like, what things the child likes to do, and so on.
There are several well-documented cases of children who learn to use their shape earlier than they should, usually to escape from a serious threat. Its uncommon bordering on the rare, but it has happened.
As with all shape changing species on Keverynn, they only have one shape they can become.