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Species: Siathi
Birth date:
Nicknames: Hana
Wing colour: green
Home town: Throne City
Family: Her only living relative is a senile grandmother. Both her parents are deceased.

Hana's predecessor died when she was fourteen and she was chosen to take over. She's been there ever since even though she was considered to be far too young for that position. There was no other choice at the time and so she took up the position despite a great deal of protest from the eldest Tower Masters. Queen Lilythayel fully supported her ascension, though, so there was little anyone could do about it. Anghiel was also in support of her appointment. She has two pittin katlings named Astra and Jaffa. Jaffa's white fur is liberally stripped with a rusty red. Astra is black stripped with silver.



Age: 166
Species: Siathi
Birth date: Delvey 1, 2090
Nicknames: Anturam
Wing colour: grey
Home town: Alethrius
Dragon: Taljeir
Dragon species: tiann
Dragon Age:
Date Chosen: 2115
His grandfather’s brother is Anghiel. He visits the Obsidian Tower quite often and spends a lot of time with Anghiel, thus knowing the ins and outs of siathi society better than he otherwise would.

His father is a silk merchant so he does a lot of the ‘leg work’ for him. He travels around between Gira’loyis Province, Kimbala, and Salcreria. He was on a ship bound for Threadsilk Manor when he was blown off course and wound up in Alastea, where he met Deiwynn.


Birth name: Daerarga
Age: 198
Species: Wolfling
Birth date: 2058
Nicknames: none
Home town:
Dragon: Tashiir
Dragon species: solinn
Dragon Age: 160
Date Chosen:

He is Lithayann's second in command. His dragon was mates with Monra for a time.


Age: 45
Species: Siathi
Birth date: 2211
Nicknames: none
Wing colour: purple
Home town: a small town in the Quartz Tower region
Dragon: Zsyrnn
Dragon species: solinn
Dragon Age: 160
Date Chosen:

Allurelann is a member of the Amber Council. Her official rank is Wingleader.
She can speak Bach’ai, Common, and Doshann.


Xillar Hrilgenn

Age: 76
Birthday: Whitecold 29
Birthplace: Colenas (southern Spearpoint Mountains)
Family: Mother (Golia), Father (Pradarr, deceased), elder sister (Alailia), younger brother (Kulenn)
Height: 6’0’’
Class: Wyvern rider
Rank: Strusirio
Race: Terunn
Gender: Male
Wyvern: Skytalon
Wyvern species: rakloli
Wyvern age:



Age: 150
Species: Wolfling
Birth date: 2106
Nicknames: none
Home town: The Elnnwood