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Naming Traditions

Feminine Names

Sethrinn, Sahlaia

Masculine Names

Xillar, Gadrunn

Family Names

Hrilgenn, Agevurdre, Faxtoble, Irlouorsque, Chyeshei


Major Language Groups And Dialects

They speak a bastardized mix of Doshann and the common tongue.

Culture And Cultural Heritage

Prior to the event known as the Great Walk, the terunn and siathi were one people spread out across Keverynn's mainland. They ranged from Salcreria to the far east and as far north as what would come to be known as Horyinn, with major population centers in the Darkrider territory.

 After the Great Walk, most of the siathi living in Horyinn left, ceding it to the humans, but some remained as they found the nomad philosophy appealing. These are still considered to be siathi but are ethnically Horyinn.

Soon after, the eastern siathi cut ties with their northern cousins and refused to let them back into their settlements, citing a lack of resources to integrate so many people. The western siathi were more accepting, but the immigrants found themselves treated as second-class citizens. They and their descendants remained as lessers until the summer of 603.
In an attempt to end the conflict between the dragons and wyvern—and their respective riders—the Sisterhood of Sword and Sorcery brokered a peace treaty between the two that resulted in the wyvern relocating to the west and all dragons to the east. This cut the western siathi off from their eastern cousins. For the most part, this was fine, as they'd grown tired of obeying a queen who was so far away. They refused to be called siathi anymore, deciding instead on the name terunn. After some debate, they elevated the daughter of the wealthiest family in Jawhua to the position of queen. This position lasted for only a few decades. As the Darkriders grew in number and gained more power and influence over the people, they overshadowed existing governments, putting their officers in charge. The terunn were not immune to their tactics and soon found themselves firmly under the rule of the Darkriders.
Queen Avimara was thrown in prison under trumped-up charges and spent the rest of her life behind bars. For the most part, the terunn are left alone in the few cities they have. The descendants of the original western siathi found themselves in the same position they'd put the immigrants, much to their displeasure. The immigrants, now on equal footing with the others, initially welcomed Darkrider rule. After the queen's death, a human governor was put in charge of each of their cities, relegating them to second-class citizens in their own homes. Living conditions for the terunn took a turn for the worst. Employment became difficult to come by. If a terunn wasn't born into a trade, or had the misfortune of being poor, their options were limited.
Options are limited and mostly involve menial labour with very little pay. This forced them into a choice between starvation or joining the Darkriders. Many chose the latter. Most terunn who join the Darkriders find themselves in low ranking positions at best with little to no advancement. The best hope for them is to pair up with a wyvern, as that at least gives them dignity and respect. There are fewer restrictions for wyvern riders, and as such, the lucky few who find themselves in that position aren't made to cut their hair.

Common Dress Code

Given that they have wings, most of their clothing is backless. Flowing skirts over leggings is normal for women. Men most often wear wrapped tunics and loose pants.


Beauty Ideals

Much like their siathi cousins, they have a long, extraneous feather at the base of their wing. This feather, whether there or not, doesn't impede their ability to fly. As such, many choose to remove it. Like their other feathers, it will grow back over time. Those who choose to let it grow and keep it rather than plucking it are considered unsightly.

Gender Ideals

Males with brighter plumage have a better chance of attracting a partner. They will often go to great lengths to brighten their feathers with dyes and paint. Hair colour is less important to them, although males with less vibrant wings sometimes choose to change their hair colour in the hopes of improving their chances. Short hair is frowned on for both genders. Anything shorter than shoulder length is considered unattractive. Those who join the Darkriders are forced to cut their hair.