Taliath dar Selyvcynn
Name: Taliath dar Selyvcynn
Meaning: gentle star
Nicknames: none
Race: Vaen
Rank: rider
Home town: Apach
Hold Affiliations: An’taha, formerly Dulanenn
Physical Description: 5’5’’ with bronze colored thigh length hair pulled back in a braid. Her eyes are dark green.
Manner of Dress: knee high blue boots, green jumpsuit, blue vest, blue belt
Preferred colors: green, blue
Voice: alto
Personality: Taliath is usually easy going, but has a temper at times. She loves a good joke and all kinds of music.
Identifying feature(s): none
Special Talent: can charm all creatures awake under the light of the blue moon
Hobby: tuning, solving puzzles
Mate: R'hyawdd Balishol
History: Her best friend is Aieliana xiu Yadehann
Dragon name: Talesinnadi
Dragon species: tiann