R'hyawdd Balishol

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Name: R'hyawdd Balishol
Meaning: bear
Nicknames: Bear
Race: human
Rank: hunter
Home town:
Hold Affiliation: Xuwenn
Physical Description: 5’9’’, wild brown hair and brown eyes that have a somewhat wild look to them.
Manner of Dress: knee high black leather boots, brown leather pants, sleeveless leather tunic, black leather belt.
Preferred colors:
Voice: Tenor
Personality: R'hyawdd is normally easy going and has a good sense of humor. Being in trouble most of the time, he won’t hesitate to save others even if it will risk his life.
Identifying feature(s): missing baby toe on left foot
Special Talent: talking to animals
Hobby: racing, singing
Mate: Taliath dar Selyvcynn

Dragon name: Khurshid
Dragon species: tiann