Aieliana xiu Yadehann
Name: Aieliana xiu Yadehann
Race: Vaen
Rank: Chyletwe
Home town: Alduhab
Hold Affiliation: An’taha, formerly Dulanenn
Physical Description: 5’7’’, knee length black hair kept in braids, dark blue eyes
Manner of Dress: ankle high black boots, blue leggings, silver tunic, dark red belt
Preferred colors: blue, silver
Voice: soprano
Identifying feature(s): crescent shaped birthmark on her right shoulder
Hobby: reading, writing poetry
Mate: Je’lund
Family: Jo’irana (mother), Zorinn (father), Jo’lasonn (older brother)
my mother is a healer, but she also sometimes acts as an advisor to Lady Teerala. Her father is a well known horse breeder. Her brother used to look after Lady Teerala's daughter, Oklina, before he was scouted as a possible rider for the Xuwenn Dragonhold.
History: She was born and raised in the town of Alduhab where her parents breed horses. She divides her time between helping her father with the horses and writing poetry. Her brother was Chosen by a dragon named Yenziad. He lives at the Xuwenn Dragonhold.
Her childhood best friend is a human girl named Oklina. She eventually married a man named Theirall.
Currently, her best friend is Taliath dar Selyvcynn
Dragon name: Silvrann
Dragon species: tiann