Racial Relations

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In modern day Keverynn there’s little evidence of the prolific racism that once existed. There was once a time when the races didn’t coexist quite so harmoniously as they now do. It was when the people who became known as the Nomads broke off from the rest of the people to settle in the north that things began to change. What the Nomads refer to as the Great Walk has a very nebulous date but is generally considered to be the beginning of the modern era, year 0.

More than two thousand years have passed since this event and a great deal has happened to Keverynn’s people and its landscape that has affected how its people view and interact with each other. The Great Walk opened the doors for things to change, but the reality is that there were three other major events that influenced the way things currently are.

The Great Plague in 452 crossed racial boundaries and killed untold thousands of people. It forced the people to work together to find a cure. A team of wolfling and siathi mages finally found one in the year 463. Soon after the death toll dropped and there was peace between the races for a time.

The founding of the provinces in 661 was another major step, forever altering the political landscape of the main continent. Dragons agreed to stay in their territories, wyvern were sent across the River Arcetes, and territorial boundaries were firmly established. For the first time in their history, the humans had a universal system of government, one that showed signs of lasting for more than a few years. With their society stabilized it allowed them to forge stronger ties with their neighbors.

Tragically, the final catalyst towards the current state of affairs was the event known as the First Darkrider Incursion. In 729 the Darkriders attacked in massive numbers and an unprecedented show of unity. The Provinces were unprepared but eventually drove them back with the help of their hastily forged alliances with the siathi, nomads, and wolflings. So great were their losses that they vowed to band together in the event of another attack. The wolflings, having lost their ancestral home, were forced to live among the humans and chume'taly. For a time they were viewed as rats, intruders, taking things from the people who lived in the Provinces. Once group became so disgusted by this that they took up residence in the Draewood and has lived there since. The others persevered and, once things settled down after the Incursion, it was as if the wolflings had always lived among them.


Generally speaking, the siathi view themselves as being above everyone else and not just because they can fly. They rarely participate in the conflicts that the other races engage in. They isolate themselves in their Valley and pat themselves on the back for keeping to themselves. There are no records of any siathi being involved in the Great Walk as they rarely left the Valley before that. The other races knew very little about them prior to the turn of the first century when they began trading more openly with outsiders.
They tend to not get along all that well with humans despite their physical similarities. Siathi find them to be too aggressive and crude. They would much prefer to deal with the wolflings as the two have much in common with their views on magic. When the colony of wolflings relocated to the Draewood they were welcomed with open arms not only because they had nowhere else to go but because the two people had a long history of friendship.
Regarding the chume'taly, the siathi are of mixed feelings. The two don’t interact much given the distance between their preferred territories. The average siathi would rather associate with a human than with the animalistic chume’taly. There are some types of chume'taly that are seen as less savage than others, though opinions differ widely as to which ones those are.
They feel a kinship of sorts with the dragons as they share the ability to fly. There aren’t any dragons that inhabit their Valley as there aren’t any game animals to sustain them. Most of their encounters with dragons happen outside of Salcreria or on the rare occasion when one--usually a blue dragon--decides to visit.


While they have much in common physically with the humans and the siathi they tend to get along best with the chume’taly though they don’t mention it much. Since the end of the First Darkrider Incursion the wolfling people have been outsiders in society, filling the role that the chume’taly once played due to their strange appearance. Even without that, the two races are natural shape changers and have a reverence for nature that they feel the humans lack.
The wolflings never really had much to do with the dragons until the year 121 when a stray [[solinn] stumbled onto Vileshte Island and bonded with a teenage girl. The wolflings knew at this point that dragons weren’t dangerous, but the bond between the two was viewed with mistrust for many years.


Dating back before the Great Walk, the chume’taly have been outsiders in society largely due to their outward appearance. This led them to be bitter, aggressive, and untrusting towards the other races. They didn’t expand much beyond their forests, developing an isolationist policy that prohibited any non-chume’taly from entering their home. This policy altered only slightly with the creation of the Provinces. The city of Chume’vera was located and built specifically for contact with outsiders.
Prior to the founding of the Provinces, they kept largely to themselves. They traded mostly with the humans as it was convenient and humans made a lot of things they couldn’t make for themselves. They also learned that the humans had access to siathi goods and were able to access them that way.
After the First Darkrider Incursion they found themselves with a large number of wolfling refugees looking for places to live. This presented them with a conundrum. No outsiders had ever been permitted to enter their forests before, save for Chume’vera, and no non-chume’taly had ever taken up long term residence in their Province. Granted, none had ever asked or had such need. The Dragonlord at the time, Ivothraw clan Z’patchn, struck a deal with them. Not many chume’taly were amenable to life outside of the forest which made the acquisition of foodstuffs difficult. Ivothraw proposed that the wolflings could have some of the unforested land if they agreed to farm it. Such was how the towns of Auhara and Jap’ti’chel came to be.
Of all the people of Keverynn, they have the closest relationship with the dragons as the greens inhabit the forests much as they do. In the early days of their people there was fighting over territory and many lives were lost on both sides before an understanding was reached and they learned to coexist. The woods near the village that is now called Duna’chet’lok belong entirely to the dragons. The dragons permit these few cheetah chume’taly to live there as they care for the elderly dragons that relocate to this forest to live out the remainder of their lives in peaceful solitude.


Historical records from all four species maintain that the humans were the ones primarily responsible for the Great Walk, that it was discord among their people that caused a large number of them to become so fed up that they left en masse to resettle in the far north. At that point in their history no one had gone any farther north than the Plains of Varshenu. As far as the people of Keverynn were concerned, their world didn’t extend much past the siathi Valley in the north and either the Chume’taly Forest or the Snow Demon Mountains in the south--depending on who you were talking to. For a large chunk of the human population and a good number of wolflings to break off from the rest and head off into the unknown was a shock to all.
As a result of the Great Walk, virtually all humans with darker skin now reside in the Nomad Territories. While records aren’t clear on the cause of this event--or if it was only one thing--most agree that there was likely cultural and ethnic issues involved.
Losing such a significant portion of their population left the remaining humans vulnerable, forcing them to reach out to the other races for help in order to survive. The wolflings were the easiest to trade with but the two had little in common linguistically and there was a lot of fighting between the two before a trade language was developed. Eventually this trade language became the common language shared between all four races. When the siathi began trading more openly it was taught to them and eventually it was passed on to the chume’taly.
Despite their mistrust of the chume’taly, it’s more for their isolationist ways than for their appearance. Humans, being humans, proved to be quite fond of their feline appearance. The first humans to encounter the chume’taly, as a note, were initially frightened by the giant cat people and then tried to pet them once the shock wore off. It’s not likely that the chume’taly have ever quite forgiven or forgotten this. Chume’taly don’t like being treated like common house cats.
The one race they mistrust above all else--pun partially intended--are the siathi. Their primitive instincts and centuries of predation by the wyvern taught them to fear things that fly that are larger than birds. Their mistrust is mitigated somewhat by their docility and their human-like appearance, but not helped by the siathi’s use of magic. Most early humans didn’t have much gift for magic and naturally feared it. As such the wolflings were a race to be feared given their high ratio of gifted people. The wolflings were aware of this and would use their gifts sparingly around the humans.
Following the establishment of the provinces, the humans suddenly found themselves in a strong position of power. It was the first true alliance among the four species and the first time the dragons had gotten themselves involved in the affairs of the world.
Humans once had a fear of dragons much as they feared the wyvern but quickly learned that dragons were safe and would much rather eat game animals. Once it was discovered that they possessed intelligence and could talk that fear soon vanished and was replaced by a respectful wariness for the great beasts.