An'katerr Glossary

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Arillira - a plant that produces a highly nutritional food item that tastes kind of like strong beans mixed with broccoli. When pureed into a paste, a spoonful of it will keep someone alive when there is no other food source.
Ash flower - common weeds found in virtually every wooded area
Avola roots

Black Lung
Book of Days
Brown Wolf - unlike most wolf species, this one prefers the open plains to forested areas.

Caltris – a kind of coniferous tree that makes a mildly sweet syrup. Common to the northern regions of Doval
Coelirian - a fertility festival in Jiinal
Creep grass - a thin, grey-green plant. It's a common weed and grows virtually everywhere in Zalityu. Left unchecked, it will spread its roots out, choking out the others. It has no real value to most people, but hunters make a paste from it to colour their skin and mask their scent so that they might be more effective on the hunt.

Day of Giving
Diatho - a variety of red grape common to the Ioridan Valley. It can be eaten raw, used to make wine, or distilled into a beverage called riava.
Dragon berries - bright red, round berries that are edible but can make you very dizzy if you eat too many
Dria – a dark fruit that looks like a plum and tastes like a cross between an apple and an orange

False dragon
Fire dragon
Forest wolf

Giant fox

Hennas bird - their feathers are often used to make high quality quills

Jirali – a kind of desert dwelling deer

Kaldora mushrooms
Kilana - a grey fruit that taste like peaches
Kistrala - a rare spice that grows only in Northwall
Krelai – a kind of fish that has white meat and large bones

La’hai - small, long-haired sheep-like animals with cloven hooves and white or brown coats
Licala vines - they produce a purple fruit shaped like eggs and taste quite sweet.
Lithon - a pole weapon that is the signature of the Dovalian army. It took a great deal of skill to wield without injuring yourself or anyone other than your intended target. Everyone, even the bloodthirsty Zalites, feared that weapon and anyone capable of using it effectively in battle.

Northern sweet pepper - a bushy plant with lumpy orange fruits hanging from it. Used in cooking, but it is also delicious to eat uncooked. When they're ripe, their colour is more of a red than orange.
Nuren - a kind of hardy sea crab that lived in the deeper waters

Oris - roundish blue fruit with a sweet and spicy flavour

Pocket mouse -
Rajit - a kind of large jackrabbit that is often raised and eaten by common folk
Ranas - a beach dwelling bird

Sand dragon
Sand tiger
Sacred Gems - These gems are gifts from the Sky Lords and grant their bearers a wide range of abilities
Sardoren leaves
Sea grapes - the Jiinalese make wine from it that fetches outrageously high prices in other countries

Taila berries – a sweet but slightly bitter berry that grows wild on bushes all over Telvan. Berries are at their ripest in the summer. The hotter the weather the better the berries are.
Thaumaturge - someone that can manipulate a minimum of three forces.
Tovren bush - a bush that typically grows in the wild that has a pale yellow flower.

Uiral - large, grey and brown birds of prey

Weeping pine

Yairo - a kind of cow that is multi-coloured and spotted, generally in cream, black, brown, roan, or grey tones. It is used for milk and leather. The meat is typically exported.