Sacred Gems

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Sacred Gems

These gems are gifts from the Sky Lords and grant their bearers a wide range of abilities. Each country’s gems are different in shape and color. The gems can be set in a wide range of holders, such as belts, jewelry, gloves, and weapons. What holder the gem is set in determines how the ability can be used. As all of the scared gems are the same size, the holders designed to hold them can hold any of the gems; as such, a bearer can change holders at any time.

Each country has several gems, more than they really need. Typically, there are only five gems active at any time, though in times of war, this number has been known to grow. The bearers serve as protectors of the Chief Priest or Priestess and are dedicated to their deity. When addressing one or more of these bearers, they are referred to as warriors. What country their gem comes from determines their title. For example, a person bearing a Telvan gem would be known as a Dragon Warrior.

Sacred Gems bond with their users. The longer a warrior is in possession of one, the stronger their ability becomes. When that warrior dies or retires, their gem is put away separate from the others so that it can be cleansed for future use. It is extremely unwise to allow anyone not from the Priesthood or Royal family near that gem as it will bond with the first suitable person. Such a bond always results in some very unusual abilities. Often, it takes years to fully cleanse a gem. Such is the reason why each country has so many of them.

What ability the gem grants seems to have no relation to its bearer’s present abilities or their personality. Sometimes, the ability it grants seems useless, but always turns out to have some greater purpose. Most common of the abilities are enhancements to fighting skills or granting ones that didn’t previously exist. Elemental abilities are the rarest and are seen as a mark of high favor with the Sky Lords.

Telvan – oval, red
Doval – square, brown
Shanshiire – teardrop, black
Jiinal – circle, blue
Zalityu – pentagon, white