
Habitat: Thauland
Female: ewe (6-8 months)
Male: ram/tup (4-6 months)
Young: lamb
Females are fully mature between eight and ten months while their male counterparts mature much faster, between six and eight months.
They're seasonal breeders and live in flocks that are mostly made up of females. Rams fight each other to establish dominance.
Gestation lasts for roughly five months. When the ewes go into labour, it's normal for it to last anywhere between two to four hours and results in a single offspring. Twins are rare. Lambs are usually on their feet and moving around within hours of being born.
They're exclusively herbivorous, preferring to eat grass and short roughage. Domesticated members of this species will also eat hay.
They're diurnal. They're not known to defend their territory but they form home ranges in the wild. They like to keep close to each other and have shown clear signs of stress when separated from the other members of their flock.
Roughly half of this species is bred and raised in captivity and used as mounts.
War sheep are quite intelligent. They can recognize individual ferali and recall them for many years after meeting them. They're sensitive and can differentiate between several different emotional states. It's possible to teach them to respond to their name and to saddle break them for carrying a rider, making them excellent mounts. Saddle broken sheep need to bond with their rider, considering them to be part of their flock in order to reduce their anxiety at being parted from the others.
Taste is their most important sense. They have very sensitive tongues and prefer sweet and sour plants over bitter ones. Touch and sight are also important.