
The Kingdom of Thauland[edit]
Alternative Name: The Broken Lands
Royal Family: Tokagedu
Ruler: King Chestnut
Royal Consort: Mullberry
Other Royals: Prince Spruce, Prince Ponderosa, Prince Oak
Primary God: Racha
Flag: The flag is a rectangle with five stripes of alternating beige and red-violet, and a triangle of bronze on the left. The emblem is a willow tree and a mountain.
Motto: Xumari es Yadzodam (Competition and Magnificence)
Religion: polytheistic
Official State Religion: Priests of Thauland
Major Exports:
Primary building material: bricks and adobe
Primary food source: vegetable farming
Primary access to: numerous plant products (other than cotton)
Rare resource: gold and silver
Adearus Ruins
Ceatan Temple
Lyr Mill
Oar's Rest
Lyr River
Scalelass Wilds
North Isin River
South Isin River
Arekrac Wilds
Scrollwear Summit
Tret Islands
Lambdragon Lake
Rookgroom Mountains