
Lifespan: 130 years
Diet: omnivorous
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: humanoid
Locomotion: bipedal
Home world: Kephkanin
Major Cities:
Level of Technology:
Golden skin, horns, short, muscular tail. They have pointed ears, four digits per hand, and three toed clawed feet. The shriilar are cousins to both the trellari of Lajilin and the dralaar of Sha'haal and are compatible with both.
They’re egg layers. Females carry a single fertilized egg for two months before laying it in a soft nest. She continues to incubate it for another month before it can hatch.
Infants hatch from their eggs blind and deaf. They know their mothers by scent and touch. They begin to hear things after three days. Sight develops after four weeks. They don’t have much of a crawling phase. At roughly ten months they go from crawling to standing and scooting.
Infants are fed mashed food, usually pre chewed by their parents. Females have breasts but they aren’t functional. As a child develops teeth and stronger stomachs they can handle tougher foods.
Space travel: They’re capable of interstellar travel
Government: They still maintain the monarchy though its lost most of its power. The planet is mostly ruled by an elected parliament. Each country has its own smaller parliament with a representative that sits on the global one.
Religion: They aren’t particularly religious but there are still traces of the old ways in modern society, such as expressions, holidays, and ceremonies.
Gender Status: The genders are more or less equal, though it largely depends on who you’re talking to and what field you’re in. Historically, females were the more important as life givers. They were given priority over everything. After a plague decimated their population, women who could bear healthy offspring were in high demand, so much so that the old patriarchy found itself becoming a matriarchy.
In the last century, males have been regaining more equality and things are nearly balanced out.
Far back in their history they lived on Sha'haal. Their distant ancestors were dralaari. A massive earthquake broke a large chunk off from the mainland, isolating a section of the population.
The people living there changed. Over time they lost their wings as their home had no mountains, making the wings impractical for them. They developed short horns to help infants break through their eggs easier. The separation of their land from the main land altered their diet which made their eggs harder to break through without them.
Eventually, contact was reestablished with the mainland. By then their alterations had made them visually different from mainland dralaari. Many dralaari felt that the shriilar were inferior due to their lack of wings. As such they faced heavy prejudice. Once space travel was developed the shriilar leaped at the chance to leave.
They established a new colony on a world they dubbed Kephkanin. They consider themselves a proper species and rarely acknowledge their dralaari ancestry. Since establishing their colony they found that their skin has changed, developing a golden hue. This has made it easier to distance themselves from the dralaari.