
Height: 5'5-6'
Weight: 200 lbs
Lifespan: 400 years
Diet: omnivores
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: humanoid
Locomotion: bipedal
Natural weapons: Their hands and feet are clawed. Their tails are muscular and powerful
Home world: Sha'haal (Abandoned)
Current world: Tha'meturn
They have clawed feet, wings, and a short tail. Younger dralaari have small, non-functional wings. These wings will grow as they reach the mid point in their lives. They are the species the shriilar evolved from. The two species remain biologically compatible.
They’re egg layers. Females carry a single fertilized egg for two months before laying it in a soft nest. She continues to incubate it for another month before it can hatch.
Infants hatch from their eggs blind and deaf. They know their mothers by scent and touch. They begin to hear things after three days. Sight develops after four weeks. They don’t have much of a crawling phase. At roughly ten months they go from crawling to standing and scooting.
Infants are fed mashed food, usually pre chewed by their parents. Females have breasts but they aren’t functional. As a child develops teeth and stronger stomachs they can handle tougher foods.
- Their planet has a small rabbit-like animal called a rashiil.
- Their currency is called skona.