
Conservation Status[edit]
These creatures are protected by law and by the temples.
Average Height: 1 foot tall
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking:Mushwraiths take their colouration from the mushroom species they grow from.
These strange creatures have no visible gender characteristics. They all appear to have solidly coloured eyes much like the ferali do. Each one sports a kind of mushroom-like topping on their head. They have no distinct digits on their hands or feet.
Genetics and Reproduction[edit]
It's belied that they aren't capable of reproducing at all given their lack of gender characteristics.
Growth Rate & Stages[edit]
Mushwraiths are believed to evolve from the various types of mushrooms that can be found around Feralia. After their initial discovery in the Second Era, it quickly became taboo to pick or eat mushrooms of any kind.
Ecology and Habitats[edit]
Wherever mushrooms occur naturally these creatures are sure to be found.
Dietary Needs and Habits[edit]
They feed exclusively on vegetation.
Biological Cycle[edit]
Some have been observed to live only a few days while there are some that are still alive from their initial discovery.
Social Structure[edit]
Careful observation of these creatures has determined that if they have a social structure it's such a loose one that its indecipherable to the ferali. Each observed group has no discernible leader, when varieties of wraith are found in the same area they mingle freely with each other, and no variety of wraith seems to be considered superior to the others.
It's possible that the more intelligent ones could be domesticated it's strictly prohibited and anyone caught in possession of a mushwraith faces a heavy fine and possibly time in prison.
Geographic Origin and Distribution[edit]
Mushwraiths are found anywhere that mushrooms are known to grow. Sizable populations have been noted in Broomcat Wood, Errith Woods, and Dephel Woods.
The Scalelass Wilds has the largest concentration with the Mothdrop Peaks a close second. The Peaks has the most varied population.
Jot Forest has a small population of the more short lived mushwraiths.
Average Intelligence[edit]
They posses a basic intelligence and the ability to reason things out. It's been noted that the more longer lived a type of Mushwraith is the more likely it is to develop a higher level of intelligence. They don't seem to be capable of speech. At least, not speech the ferali can understand.
Naming Traditions[edit]
It's not known if they have names for each other, but they do seem to be capable of distinguishing among the virtually identical individuals.
Average Technological Level[edit]
They have no technology and seem frightened by even the most basic things like windmills.
Common Dress Code[edit]
While they have no gender characteristics they seem to enjoy dressing themselves in leaves, grasses, and even flowers. It's not known why they do this. They've shunned all attempts by the ferali to give them clothing made of cloth but will cheerfully accept unique plant matter to dress and adorn themselves with.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions[edit]
They don't seem to fear the ferali, but also don't seek out contact with them either.