
The Princess[edit]
Ethnicity: Ciheian
Honorary & Occupational Titles: Her Royal Highness, Princess Maple of Ciheim
Year of Birth: 425 Md
Age: 17
Circumstances of Birth: There was a shooting star in the sky the night she was born.
Birthplace: Whitebridge
Gender: Female
Known family members: Birch (father), Cherry (mother), Elm (older brother)
Eyes: dark blue
Hair: Long orange-red
Height: 5'1
While Maple is in good health and physical condition, she's lived a life of luxury. All her needs have been seen to. She's ill suited to long journeys. She has the ideal physique for a ferali female.
Her skin is a nutty brown colour, common among the ferali.
She typically dresses in long, elaborate gowns. She most often wears shades of green.
Religious Views[edit]
The ferali are a polytheistic people and have a large pantheon of gods and goddesses that they believe in. Each country has a set of them that they consider to be their primary pantheon. While worship of deities outside of that set isn't discouraged, it's seen as strange.
Maple personally reveres Honiel, although in her current situation she's wondering if she should be praying to Jeha instead.
- dancing
- calligraphy
- sitting still
She has a good eye for detail. She's artistically talented, but not overly strong.
She has excellent manners and has been schooled in correct social etiquette from a young age.
She doesn't trust others easily. This is largely because she learned at a young age that many people want to get close to her because of her rank and who her father is. She's slow to open up to people as a result and has very few people that she calls friend.
Maple is the youngest child of King Birch. She’s been kidnapped by an unknown assailant and locked away in a tower far from home. Being a princess, she patiently waited for rescue, but when it appeared that no help was coming, she became frustrated and decided to escape on her own.
While she's considered to be wealthy due to her position she has very little personal wealth. She wants for nothing all she has but to ask should she find something she desires. When she reaches her majority or marries--whichever comes first--she'll receive a substantial sum of money from the Royal Treasury to do with as she pleases.