
Gummies have a gelatinous, dome shaped body. They sometimes have a small cluster of leaves on the side of their heads. It's not known if these leaves are a signifier of age, gender, maturity, or some combination of the three. The outer skin of these creatures is quite sticky to the touch.
Dissection has shown them to have no distinct internal organs. It's thought that this is part of the reason why they're so difficult to kill and why they eat so frequently.
Growth Rate & Stages[edit]
It's been observed that they grow very quickly.
Ecology and Habitats[edit]
These are fairly common and have been spotted all over Feralia. Unlike their Fancy and Shiny cousins, they don't seem to care where they live.
Dietary Needs and Habits[edit]
They seem to be capable of eating practically everything, particularly meat and fruit. While they're known to have no internal organs (including a stomach), they seem to need a large amount of food that is disproportionate to their body size. One gummy eats nearly as much as a full grown ferali in a day despite being a third of the size.
As of yet, no one has been able to domesticate them.
Uses, Products & Exploitation[edit]
Nothing known but there are high hopes that their leaves have medicinal or mystical value.
Facial characteristics[edit]
They have two large eyes. Inside their mouth is a pair of fangs and a small tongue.
Geographic Origin and Distribution[edit]
All over Feralia.
Average Intelligence Not particularly bright.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities They have fairly dull senses and won't notice someone until their within a few feet of them