
Planet name: Evrast
Evrast is mostly land, as far as they know. They’ve mapped out a great deal of it but don’t have the ability to build strong enough ships to take them out to sea.
Evrast is a world of magic more than technology. All eiyala have at least a minor ability to use it. Their horns allow them to channel the magic more efficiently. Exposure to high levels of magic has been known to alter them over time. As such, an eiyala born with a common horn but exposed to enough magic could find themselves having it altered into a more magically powerful state. Magic has also been known to mutate other aspects of their physiology.
Modern eiyala society is female dominated. At one time they were ruled by a line of Emperors, but the last one went mad with power and he was overthrown by the first three Empresses, known as the Trine. For several centuries after that, Evrast was split into three Courts: Heliacal, Stellar, and Lunar. As the population grew it became clear that there was a need for more Courts to be added.
- Related Article: Courts of the Eiyala