Courts of the Eiyala

The Heliacal Court[edit]
Empress: Ashuvaliar
One of the original three Courts.
Included locations[edit]
Laford Keep
This ancient structure is the capital of the Heliacal Court and seat of the Empress. At one time it was just a small keep but it has grown since the Trine took power and now has a large town at its base. It’s known for its wide range of architectural styles. There are more guards here than anywhere else in Court territory, which results in there being far less crime than most cities.
Lindolion is known as the Noble City for the large number of noble families that have their main houses there. It’s built around several large squares. At the heart of the city is an old gladiator ring that in ancient times was used for blood sport. After the fall of the Demon Emperor, the arena was nearly torn down. It has since been refurbished and is now used for competitions of skill. It’s an honour to be invited to participate where once it was a death sentence.
The guards in Lindolion are often said to be good at dice but bad at fighting.
The bustling metropolis of Thombarond became known as the City of Spells after the Magi Academy set up there three hundred years ago. It’s also known for its naturally beautiful landscapes and thriving nightlife. If you’re looking for a wild party, this is the place to be. Most of the taverns are located downtown.
Thombarond is also known for its art, though this has been in decline for the last two decades as the city’s economy historically unstable economy has taken a turn for the worst.
The Sanctum of the Gargoyle Baroness
The Fortress of the Demon Emperor
This once magnificent fortress is now a crumbling ruin. It’s forbidden to set foot on its grounds on pain of death. People who come here only do so as a last resort and have nowhere else to go.
A small town ringed by a stone wall with many gates. The wide streets are laid out in a grid-like manner. Buki has many art galleries and a thriving nightlife. It’s famous for its acrobats. The assassins guild has its base of operations here, much to the dismay of the local lord. Buki has a somewhat higher crime rate than other places in the Heliacal Court. As such, the guards are very alert.
The locals aren’t too find of outsiders, which is hardly surprising given their isolation. They have a tendency to overcharge anyone they think is a stranger. Naver is famous for its many beautiful fountains. Most people who live here are crafters or hunters by trade.
Other locations
Mist river
Naramunz Spires
Porthca Woods
The Sea of Pyle
The Forest of Shadows
Cyan Sea
Azure Sea
The Stellar Court[edit]
One of the original three Courts. These eiyala put a lot of stock in astrology. A person’s star sign is very important. Asking someone what their sign is isn’t a come on but rather a way to learn more or less everything they need to know about someone.
Included locations[edit]
Capital city of the Stellar Court and seat of the Empress. Menione is known as the Jewel of Donione, named for the first Stellar Empress.
It has many art galleries, city parks and exceptional sanitation and is famous for its local cuisine.
The stellar observatory here is the best for observing the stars in the northern hemisphere.
It’s a city of average size surrounded by a high stone wall. Its many gates are manned by vigilant guards. It’s known for its well kept parks and gardens of exotic plants. Andusk’s most famous park has a tea shop at its heart that sells blends from all over Evrast.
Andusk is fairly isolated from the rest of the Court as no one wants to chance going through the unpredictable wasteland that is the Desolation of Asmammid. Most people who come here do so by boat in order to avoid going through the dense Tilcusi Jungle.
Maycey Castle
The castle and its surrounding town boasts the second largest population in the Stellaric Court. This is the fashion hub of Evrast, with many of the premier designers calling it home. The annual Week of Fashion is an event not to be missed by anyone and everyone interested in design or just pretty clothes.
It’s primary trade goods are textiles and dyes.
It’s known as the City of Runes as the Magi there typically utilize runes in their work. Many create runestones imbued with special properties and sell them. Other Magi use runes as a means of fortune telling.
While no longer forbidden, Wyehill is still known as The Forbidden City. This was the birthplace of the Demon King and it was here that he trained his armies. To this day it’s still used as a training base for soldiers. The best weaponry in the north comes from Wyehill. The city is renowned for its rangers.
Other locations
The Castle of Storms
The Tower of the Wyrm Baroness
The Desolation of Asmammid
Tilcusi Jungle
Ratraqchu Jungle
North Sea
The Lunar Court[edit]
One of the original three Courts. These eiyala tend to be more conservative than most.
Included locations[edit]
Minas Meche
As compared to the capitals of the Heliacal and Stellar courts, the capital of the Lunar Court is relatively new. It was built after the fall of the Demon Emperor whereas the other two existed prior to it.
This small town is built around a harbor, facing out into the Sea of Phile. While fishing is it’s primary industry, it’s also known for its apothecaries.
No one who lives here wants to be here. The streets are rundown, the buildings are falling apart, and crime runs rampant. Many people have resorted to some manner of thievery just to survive. Many efforts have been made to clean up the town, but none have been successful.
This bustling metropolis is famed for its Magi Academy and for the College of Music. The Royal Concert Hall is renowned worldwide.
This coastal town primarily concerns itself with farming, although it has become a hot spot of tourism in the last forty years. Many among the wealthy have taken a liking to chartering boats for tours of the bay while they enjoy local delicacies.
Other locations
The Sea of Phile
The Sea of Althaias
The Sea of Mene
The jungle of Blood
Paratra jungle
Cuitay jungle
Taytambo Jungle
Twilight Jungle
The Desolation of Abossum
Gare Castle
The Castle of Fury
The Lagoon Court[edit]
The first of the new Courts. It was created by taking land from the Heliacal and Stellar Courts. Star signs are strongly considered here, given that Stellaric eiyala made up some of its original population.
Included locations[edit]
Seat of the Lagoon Court
The Tower of Adnel the Sorcerer
Other locations
Thistle Heath
Ashwood Forest
Llane River
Snakefen River
Jade forest
Ashen Veldt
The Forest of Runes
The Hinterlands Court[edit]
The second new Court was created by taking land from the Stellar and Lunar Courts.
Included locations[edit]
Seat of the Hinterland Court
The Spider's Web
Wacot Stronghold
The Castle of the Fallen
Once known as the Forbidden City.
Other locations
Talon Hills
Glitterhold Forest
Sara Plains
Winding River
Lantwe Forest
The Citadel of the Demon King
Argent Vale
Ynlaidd Vale
Rogue River
Llany Vale
Grey Sentinels
The Lost City
Broken Waste
Nulbaraz Crags
Bloodfen River
Druid’s Grove
The Essence Court[edit]
This Court split off from the Lunar Court, making it the third new Court to be created. People in this Court are seen as having a more easy going nature.
Included locations[edit]
No one alive today recalls why Asgate is known as the Last City of Valinde. There are many theories among scholars, but it’s unlikely the truth will ever be known.
Many find it strange that this seat of the Essence Court given that its on an island and far away from the rest of the Court.
The Fortress of Samuta the Unearthly
Minas Ecarn
Located in the one habitable valley in the mountain range known as the Anvils of Kilmah, this place is more of a monastic retreat than a settlement. Its population fluctuates and has very few permanent residents. Eiyala come here to meditate and become one with nature. This is a very spiritual place for them. The libraries here are vast and have materials that date back to the beginning of their written language. Scholars have dedicated their lives to deciphering those ancient scrolls.
Located in the swampland, all of Habast’s houses are built on raised platforms and linked by wooden walkways. There are many unique medicinal plants to be found in the swamps and an equal number of deadly poisons. Habastians harvest both and refine them for sale. They also fish and hunt.
At one time the people of this city were famous for killing ogres, but the last ogre was slain nearly three centuries ago.
Other locations
The Hive of Tenebrous Woe
The Castle of Eternal Night
Ogre Vale
Frostwood Forest
Eldritch Downs
Ammarth Vale
The Tomb of Horrors
Hisa Veldt
The Anvils of Kilmah
Ahahr Desert
Ironwood Jungle
The Sea of Tiane
The Badlands Court[edit]
This Court split off from the Essence Court, creating the fourth new court. Over time, eiyala in the Badlands developed dark brown hooves rather than the standard black hooves found everywhere else.
Included locations[edit]
This maze-like city is the capital of the Badlands Court. It has the weakest economy out of all eight courts and is slowly declining. It’s known for its wide selection of ores mined from the nearby Tumunzir Spires.
Castow is seen as the last bastion of hope for the Badlands Court. It has many race tracks, beautiful ancient architecture and exceptional sanitation. Eiyala from all over Evrast come to compete in races. They also race a type of animal local to the Badlands called a zidranfar. These creatures are small and quick and when trained properly can race against others. Wagers are often made on the outcome of these races.
This town has clearly seen better days. Once a great, bustling city it now supports less than a third of its optimal population. Life on the edge of the Desolation of Sudama isn’t easy: the soil is bad for crops, there’s little vegetation for herd animals to graze on, and the unpredictable waters make fishing dangerous.
The locals have learned to make several kinds of potent alcohol out of the mutated plants in the Desolation. The braver ones venture deeper out to mine rare crystals.
On the other side of the Desolation of Sudama, life is a different story. Their economy is largely based around logging. The town is home to some master woodworkers. Boostead is famous for its craft market.
The southernmost town in the Badlands is also the greenest. Occstow is responsible for more than half of the food production in the Badlands. It’s famous for its local fighting schools and pastries.
Other locations
Empyrean Sea
The Desolation of Sudama
Bluewyrm desert
Tumunzir spires
Limarca jungle
The Pantheon of Broken Worlds
The Zenith Court[edit]
The fifth and final Court to be founded, it split off from the Lagoon and Hinterlands Courts.
Zenith eiyala are often thought of as the gruffer, no nonsense, barbaric ones.
Included locations[edit]
Djakhonse Tower
This is the seat of the Zenith Court. The only people who live here are members of the royal family, nobles, guards, or people who work there.
Wadun Stronghold
The primary industry in this isolated town is mining. They are also skilled metalsmiths. The foremost astrologists on Evrast make their homes here to study the movements of the stars. The observatory here has the best view of the southern hemisphere.
Located at the southern end of the Tama Plains, this city and its surrounding farm villages are known for their pottery and herd animals.
Its known as the City of Tombs as many of the Zenith Empresses and their families are buried there.
This is a trading outpost.
This is predominantly a mining settlement
Other locations
Megalith Downs
Llandra River
Tama plain
Foundry Hills
Highwall Peaks