Ember Dragon

Name: Ember Dragon
Known Alisases: Nikosaie
Gender: female
Age: 23
Birthday: AB
Blood Type: AB
Zodiac Sign:
Strengths: fighting
Weaknesses: boys, romance, nice guitars
- Hashaare'n ii Kantahar – her mother
- Chanse'iki ni Jalan – her father
- Hinal'a ii Kantahar – elder sister
- Tanlek'o ii Kantahar – Hinal'a's daughter
- Jarele'yen ii Kantahar – Hinal'a's son
- Aodan Dragon/Yulan'iki ii Kantahar – twin brother, older by one hour
School History: Stargazer University
Disguise Item[edit]

Type: pendant
Shape: round
Origin: Her mother gave it to her
Her long reddish-black hair hangs down to her waist and is tied into a pony tail. Her eyes are pitch black. She’s tall, standing at 5’8’’ and slim yet muscular.
Clothing style[edit]
She wears thick clothing as she finds Earth's temperatures too cold for her taste.
She also wears a strange ring on her wedding finger. It’s a silvery color with a blood red stone set into the center of a rose. If you were to watch it closely, you’d see that it pulses in time with her heartbeat. It’s frequently a good indicator of what her mood is.
What is there to say about Ember? She’s very focused and doesn’t like to socialize much. She’s hot tempered, but cold at the same time. She’s very private, preferring to not talk about herself too much. This is as much a cultural trait of the people on her planet as it is a personality trait. She has a tendency to not like being around people. She just wants to get their mission over with so that they can go home. She has a tendency to leave and go off on her own without giving any notice whatsoever. She’s the leader of the Guardians and gets along fairly well with the others. To the Sol system sehashi, she’s cold and aloof. She has a strong dislike for men due to past trauma, so she has a habit of ignoring men.
Shortly after her arrival, Kousei Prince developed an attachment to her, which proved to be not to her liking at all.
She is the leader of the Guardians and doesn’t really like people all that much. She has difficulties trusting others, especially men. StarFire will remain friends with the sehashi until her objective is completed: defeat An'ei Souku. After that, who knows what she’ll do.
Her sehashi name before becoming a Guardian was Ember. Her Earth name of Ember Dragon is a combination of her old name and the sehashi name of her fiancée.
Planet of origin: Nomaie
Race: Nomaien
Real name: Jalon’g ii Kantahar
Meaning: dawn star from fire heart
Rank: Princess
Food: spring rolls(they taste good and make a good snack)
Gemstone: star ruby, sun stone, garnet
Flower: red roses
Colour: red
Activities: guitar, singing, song writing, gym (it gives her a non-sehashi related way to burn off energy, anger, and frustration)
Food: fish because of its nasty texture and taste and asparagus because she doesn’t like the bitterness of it
Flower: carnations (not because of any meaning but because they look stupid and she sees them as a cheap substitute for roses, meaning to her that the sentiment behind them is cheap and fleeting)
Colour: pink and bright yellow (cheerful colors make her nauseous)
Activities: math (numbers bore her to tears and she’s not very good at it either)

Code Name: Starfire
Primary Colour: red
Power Type: fire
Sehashi Level: Guardian
Name of Power: Nomaie Flaming Disk
Power Type:
Description: This attack sends circles or flames at the enemy
Name of Power: Flaming Circle Rise
Power Type:
Description: A circle of flame appears around the enemy
Name of Power: Fire Blaze
Power Type:
Description: Grants her temporary control over the element of fire
Name of Power: Eternal Fire Cleansing
Power Type:
Description: Returns a monster to its original form