
Meaning: identity jewel
They developed a powerful spell that allows them to crystalize a person’s essence into a gem. This gem comes out of the body through the throat area without doing any damage to the body. As there are different kinds of people so there are different types of cheiulu.
Cheiwau (person jewel) - These come from ordinary people, onces without any kind of powers. While they’re bright and shiny at first they fade quickly. Most people with the ability to summon them forth don’t find them to be particularly useful.
Cheiami (song jewel) - These come from low level sehashi, ones with warrior and hero classifications. The shine lasts more or less permanently and they’re quite useful. If taxed too much, however, they can break.
Cheiuli (beautiful jewel) - Sehashi with champion and sentinel status produce these dazzling gems. These can take more strain than a cheiami but have been known to break sometimes.
Cheikau (spirit jewel) - These exceptionally rare jewels are brought forth from guardian and celestial level sehashi. While the theory has yet to be fully tested, it’s believed that they cannot be broken. Some believe that by holding one you hold the powers of the person it came from to use as you please.
It’s not known what sort of jewel a black clad sehashi would produce as the Dorensha Jelushadar has only encountered one.
The primary problem with calling forth a cheiulu is that one must use the correct phrase for the target in question. If one were to use the phrase for a cheikau on a hero sehashi it would produce what’s known as a cheibu or fake jewel. The gem initially appears as if the correct spell phrase had been used but quickly turns black and the person becomes what’s known as a lafodyu.
Spell phrases[edit]
Cheiwau -- Jua Cheilu (reveal jewel)
Cheiami -- Jua nopu (reveal music)
Cheiuli -- Jua iádyauli (reveal beauty)
Cheikau -- Jua kauchi (reveal spirit)
Once a cheiulu has been obtained it can be used to control the person it came from. They can be returned to the body by a gifted healer but only if too much time hasn’t passed since it was removed.