Dorensha Jelushadar

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Centuries ago, there was a civil war in the Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar. It began as a power struggle on Raiven between the tash kireil and the raishuten with whom they shared the planet. Gradually, the other seven worlds were dragged in to the fight. The conflict went on for a couple years before the tash kireil forces were finally defeated.

The High Queen chose to exile those involved in the uprising, sending them to a habitable world in a nearby star system. They were given no means of leaving this world and warned that should they ever find some means of escape that returning to the Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar would mean their swift and merciless deaths.

They’ve called this planet Jegunur. In their language it means Far Home. It was chosen so that they would never forget that it’s not their proper home. The young are taught that Raiven is their real home and that they’ll one day return there.

These people are descendants from people who were exiled from the Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar long ago. Under the guidance of their current chaudyu, Anai’la Saijou, they're fighting to take back their ancestral homes.


Before their exile, the tash kireil were led by tribal elders. After arriving on their new home world there was a great deal of fighting among the tribes until one tribe achieved dominance over the others. It’s leader declared herself to be the ruler over all the people and gave herself the title of chaudyu, which means queen. At first the people balked as it was a queen who had exiled them, but she stood firm, insisting that this was the proper way to spit in the face of those who denied them their rightful homeworld.

It was then that the Dorensha Jelushadar was born, it’s very name a promise to return home and conquer those who had sent them into exile.

Traditionally, the tribal leaders had an honour guard known as a Shepaki of five people known as Hetyá to protect them. These men and women are completely devoted to them and were to lay down their lives if the Neku (leader) was in danger.
The Chaudyu saw no reason to change that tradition and it became a great honour to be chosen for her Shepaki.

An’aila Saijo’s original Shepaki consisted of:
Only Rashuwo, Waromik, and Shihachu survived the assault on the Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar. It was there that she added Oshishalon, Dishanon, and Quiarinite to her entourage, bringing her Shepaki up to six. It broke tradition, but as Dishanon was occupied with attempting to convert Princess Andalrien to their cause she felt comfortable breaking with tradition.

Princess Ja'long was eventually added to their ranks.