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Aielianna xiu Yadehann
Aielianna xiu Yadehann


Lifespan: 90 years
Average Height: 5’5’’
Average Physique: slender


The vaen are a tall, slender humanoid race who inhabit to the Alastean Island chain located to the east of the mainland, a place the vaen call. They have white skin. They have a long, thin tail with a tuft that starts a few inches from the tip and runs along the underside of the tail, extending a little past the tip itself. In young vaen, the tuft starts closer to the tip. As a vaen ages, the hair creeps further up the length of the tail. The backs of their legs are tufted from just below the knees to right above the ankles. This hair is the same color as the hair on their head and as the tuft on their tail. Some vaen choose to let this hair grow long, but most keep it trimmed to a short length as it tangles easily.

Male vaen have two horns in the center of their forehead, one right above the other. The uppermost horn is longer than the bottom one. Both horns have a slight backwards curve. Green eyes are most common for them while blond hair is the norm.

Females have a single horn in the center of their foreheads. It’s much wider and thicker than the horns of the males. It has a very slight backwards curve. Blue eyes and red hair are normal colors for them.

An average height for both genders is 5’5’’, though there have been taller individuals. They are a little stronger than the average human and significantly faster.

Social Structure


They are ruled by a shan’torell, or queen, who is elected to serve a four year term. Once her term is complete, it is possible to be reelected, but only once, so one woman could serve as queen for a maximum of eight years. Serving with her are eight individuals called shandalla, who are both appointed and elected. They are usually female, but occasionally a male will be in that position. In such a case, the masculine form of shandalla, shandolli, is used. Four of the shandalla are elected by the people are four are appointed from within the aristocracy. They are effectively extensions of the queen’s power and authority, going places that she couldn’t. They also act as her advisors and emissaries.


The noble class consists of six major families and a dozen or so smaller ones. The oldest and most powerful of these families is the tar Mat’shenn family. Many queens and shandalla have come from their line, as well as the occasional dragonrider.
The Arutevarr, or Six Families, are:

  • tar Mat’shenn
  • sha Jureenn
  • das Butula
  • eir Valaha
  • min Kutaha
  • xiu Yadehann

The other aristocratic families vary in number as some gain rank and others loose it. Whatever the status of the others, the Six will always remain in their positions as pillars of society.

Related Article: Naming Traditions


Families tend to be small in order to keep things easier to maintain. Grandparents are revered in the villages for their wisdom and experience.


The vaen are very strict vegetarians. They don’t disdain the eating of meat, but will not partake of it and prefer to avoid places where large amounts of it are being consumed. Their diet consists largely of fruit and vegetables with a kind of bread they call tava as their primary staple. Several kinds of nuts and beans round out their dietary needs.

They live in small villages as small groups are less damaging to their surroundings and are easier to maintain and feed. They build their houses of brick. Each house contains an eating and cooking area, a sitting area, a bathing room, and up to four bedrooms. Furnishings are mostly stuffed cushions that rest directly on the floor. Tables are made out of wicker. Vaen sleep in hammocks rather than in beds. There are some chairs that have a wicker frame. Wooden furniture is quite rare.

In coastal areas, houses are made of a more flexible bamboo-like material and are built on raised platforms to reduce damage from flooding and from storms. Should a house collapse in a storm, it will be easier to rebuild than if it were made of a more solid material.

There is only one family per house. When a couple marries, they move out into their own home, usually close to the parents of at least one member of the new couple. Young men spend a large amount of their late childhood saving materials and funds to construct a house of their own as no woman will marry a man with no house of his own. Occasionally, young women will do this as well, but those instances aren’t as common.


Ajnail - seasoned root vegetables fried in butter Bentine - a small pie filled with an assortment of fruit topped with a dollop of thickened cream. Janjan - a dish made of three kinds of beans cooked in a garlic laced tomato sauce covered in melted cheese Quavis - a dish made from boiled grain Tava - a kind of bread Cha'hann'al - a golden yellow liqueur made from cha'hann Cha'hann - a type of fruit



The vaen are very find of simple woodwinds and lap harps. They also use string instruments such as the harp, cello, and fiddle. They are a highly musical people and nearly everything is celebrated with music. Nearly all vaen are taught music whether it is instrumental or vocal.

Related Article: Vaen Lullaby


They have very tough soles on their feet, so they tend to go barefoot. Most of their footwear, when they choose to wear any, consists of sandals or ankle boots.
Due to the longer hair on the backs of their legs, they prefer to wear clothing that won’t pinch, pull, or otherwise constrict that hair.

They like natural, earth tones, especially shades of green and creamy browns. That’s not to say that they only wear or use earth tones. They like to use most of the colors found in nature, preferring to stick with softer medium to dark colors, avoiding most of the brighter colors. Yellow is the main exception to that rule, as sunny yellow is a popular, if rather expensive color.

Typically, they sport shorts in warmer weather or knee length breeches that are loose around the leg and tie off at the knee. In colder weather, they wear long trousers that they tie around their ankles after making sure that all of their leg hair is tucked up inside the legs. They are tied in order to prevent cold air from blowing up inside the baggy legs.

Tops range from simple halter tops to long sleeved tunics. They don’t use a lot of ornamentation, but every vaen has a decorative horn ring ranging from simple woven rings to ones made of precious metals and even decorated with gems.

Body Language

While the vaen primarily rely on spoken words to communicate, they also make use of their ears and tail to convey how they feel. They believe that if a person's words say one thing and their ears say another, the ears are the truth.

By default, a vaen's ears are upright and face forward. Tails are typically held straight behind them, curled upward slightly so their tail hair doesn't drag on the ground.

Tired: The ears are upright and facing forward, but dropping to the sides. Tails are less curled and often dragging along the ground.

Irritated: The ears swivel backwards and sometimes flattened to the tops of their heads. This largely depends on how irritated a vaen is. Quite often they swish their tails from side to side. Beware a vaen whose ears are all the way back and their tail is twitching and not swishing. While still indicating irritation, this borders on angry and they may lash out.

Curiosity: While remaining upright, the ears swivel so that they are facing to the side. They may also do this if they are trying to locate the source of a sound. There is no specific tail posture for this emotion.

Sorrow: In this state, a vaen's ears droop down the side of their head, losing all of their usual stiffness. When sad, vaen often curl their tails around one leg.

Alarm: To those unfamiliar with vaen body language, alarm looks a lot like their default posture. Alarmed or frightened vaen have ears that are upright and leaning forward rather than straight up. Tails curl up higher. This is believed to be left over from their less evolved ancestors who were often preyed upon by carnivores. Tails curl up as a precursor to running.

Confusion: Ears that are drooped down to the side but not flat against the head in sorrow is a sign of confusion. If one or both ears are angled forwards, they are thinking or trying to understand. Both ears swiveled down is complete confusion, especially when paired with a tightly curled tail.


Unlike the rest of Keverynn, the vaen are an advanced race. They are originally from the neighbouring planet of Tanviyer. They are capable of interstellar travel and have explored much of the Aetherium.

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