Vaen Colony Ships

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The design of this particular class of ship is credited to one Felaridor fer Galariot. At the time of their conception, they were considered a great leap forward technologically speaking. By the time of the Exodus, they were largely outdated, having been replaced by much more advanced ones. As such they were considered more than adequate to ferry the dissidents from Tanviyer to Keverynn.

Access & Availability

The island where the ships are stored is intentionally left black on all maps made by the vaen. A small group of vaen live on the island to maintain these ships in case they are ever needed again. This is a hereditary lifestyle and these vaen never mingle with the ones that live in the rest of the Alastean Islands.

Once the vaen began to befriend and form bonds with the dragons that inhabited the islands it wasn't difficult to impress upon them the necessity of avoiding that particular island. Those dragons taught their offspring to do so and so it went until the reason for why they did so was eventually forgotten. The wyvern, natural enemies of the dragons, only know that the dragons avoid it and wish to know why this is. As such they go to great lengths to try to reach this island.


These three ships were what brought the original vaen settlers to Keverynn from their original home world of Tanviye in the fist place. They'd been put into storage shortly after their arrival. An argument had been made for them to be dismantled, but the more pragmatic among them insisted that they served a better purpose left intact. What if some catastrophe befell Keverynn and they needed to leave?

Eventually such a catastrophe occurred. All of the vaen that had spread out across Keverynn's vast landscape returned to Alastea, bringing with them a number of humans who also sought to flee the aftermath of the war. Some settled on Alastea. Others, frightened by the horrors they had just witnessed, refused to have anything more to do with Keverynn and exercised their rights to leave. They and a sizable number of humans took the long unused colony ships and fled. Where they went after that is unknown as there was no means of communicating with Keverynn once the ships were gone.

The island remains off-limits as there are still remnants of vaen technology that would be dangerous in the hands of anyone who didn't understand what they were handling.