Wolf Rock

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Alternative Name: The Rock
Type: Citadel
Population: 1906
Location: Doval
Current Ruler: Leshmiir d'Wolvam


Wolf Rock is the seat of power for House d'Wolvam.


It's rumored to be impregnable. There are 300 soldiers defending it.

Guilds and Factions

The Wolf Warriors are housed here as is the Chief Priest or Priestess of the Chant of Wood.


Construction was completed on the main complex in the 4th year after the Beginning of Days. Etraiyen d’Wolvam was the First Emperor. His right hand man was Kijilin Falcorsi. The identity of the first Empress is unknown.


Unlike the other four countries, this isn't a city but rather a citadel carved into a solitary mountain.


The mountain that Wolf Rock is carved into rises out of a flat land. There is nothing for miles around it.