The Telvanites have a Caucasian skin tone and predominantly brown hair, though other colors do show up from time to time. Red heads are rare yet considered very lucky.
Telvanite surnames can get a bit strange, but are easy enough to identify if you know what to look for.
The imperial house is easily identified by its surname of Nilkarath. Taking their cue from that family, all the noble families in Telvan have a surname that begins with the letter N.
EX: Chounen’s surname in Najila, marking her as nobility
Another common characteristic seen in their surnames is a double ‘i'.
EX: Nahiro Tanthriil
Lower class surnames tend to be very short
EX: Nalshen Rael
Some surnames: Alvacy, Rael, Tanthriil, Najila, Nilkarath, Variel, Avirel, Sahiil, Devanaliil, Suthriim
Customs and Culture
Bread is one of the cheapest foods.
People with dwarfism are seen as normal rather than freakish.
Chariot racing is a popular sport.
In Telvan, red fabric is the most expensive kind to buy with white coming a close second.
People in Doval are under the impression that there's some sort of stigma against same gender couples.
The color white symbolizes death and is worn when in mourning. It’s not necessary to wear it head to toe. How much white you wear at a funeral or when in mourning is proportionate to how well you knew the deceased. If you didn’t know someone well, you’d wear a token amount, but if you were close to them or knew them well, you’d wear as much as you could. In the case of a public figure, you’d wear a great deal, especially if it was someone who was well-loved and widely respected. In the case of a member of the Imperial house, you’d dress all in white. No exceptions.