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Name: Their proper name is unpronouncable to people outside their species
Nickname: Swimmers
Territory: the oceans of Atharia
Average life expectancy: 197
Physical maturity: 20
Adulthood: 30
Elder: 140


Swimmers are humanoid with tan skin. For the most part they look very similar to humans wth similar anatomy. Physically, men and women are similar, save for their gender characteristics.
They have hair, but most Swimmers keep it trimmed short as long hair makes things difficult while swimming. Swimmers that spend most of their time on land often grow their hair out as both an added means to stay warm and for aesthetic reasons. What hair they have is fine.
The most notable features they have to distinguish themselves from a chubby human are their elongated ears and their eyes. They have black irises and silver slit pupils. Hair is blue, green, white, and sandy brown.

They're warmblooded.
They prefer to sleep during the night, but only need a few hours unlike humans.

They prefer to swim, but are capable of walking. They don't do well on land as their bodies are designed for swimming. Walking for any length of tiem is exhausting to them.

They have a chubby body due to the layer of fat they build up to help keep them warm under water. Average height ranges between 5' and 5'6.

Biology and Development

They reproduce the same as humans, but with a seven month gestation period. Single offspring are the norm, but twins aren't uncommon.
Breeding pairs mate for life; if their partner dies, often times they will die from grief.
Family groups are big, have a strong bond and is led by the grandmother. Child rearing is largely handled by the grandmother.
Childbirth is a private affair. Mothers birth their young alone. Only if there are complications does she seek help.