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Name: Atharia
Name meaning: last hope
Location: 4th planet
Size: a bit bigger than Earth
Rotation: a day lasts 28 hours
Revolution: 544 days (16 months of 34 days each)

Sun: Darush
Moon: Itlai
Any other celestial bodies: including Atharia, there are a total of seven planets in the system.
Notable Spatial Phenomena: The Maia Nebula, known by the Horyinn Nomads as the Tent of the Ancestors
Average distance from its Sun: roughly 200 million km
Main Terrain: Dense rainforest, though there are a few patches of grassland, swamp, and a toxic desert formed by wars that happened a long time ago
Largest known Surface Feature: The Tassren Spire (30,000 feet)

Popular/Common Resources

Lirriro – multi-colored, polka dotted alien cow-things
Ade’darens – small, long haired sheep-like animals with cloven hooves and white or brown coats
Straythen (large, grey and brown birds of prey common to the coastal areas
Shrike – the largest bird of prey on Atharia, it hunts in the high mountains
Kru-shin – a form of hopscotch with very elaborate layouts
Arillira paste – a highly nutritional food item that tastes kind of like strong beans mixed with broccoli, made from the common Arillira plant
Rainbow gems – mined in the mountains
Raebuck – a kind of large carnivorous animal whose meat is exceptionally tender
Quela – A kind of shark that eats indiscriminately and has been known to turn cannibal. It’s regarded as more of a nuisance and being referred to as one is deeply insulting, especially to the Swimmers.
Ome – a rice-like grain that is light cream in colour; grown by Swimmers
Greenfruit – an oval shaped fruit that grows on trees. It’s similar to an apple in that its green peel can be eaten but on the inside it’s built more like a lemon. In taste, it’s like a watermelon.
Mudhens – a type of chicken


Average Surface Temperature: A good day is between 20 and 30 degrees Celcius
Maximum Surface Temperature: the hottest part of the planet gets up to 50 degrees
Minimum Surface Temperature: in the polar caps, it can get as low as -55, sometimes even -60 degrees
Common Weather Patterns: rain, high winds on the coast, and hurricanes
Rare Weather Patterns: snow, drought, frost
The weather changes quite rapidly. There are five seasons in a year. Within each season, the weather is predictable, but is prone to sudden change. Flash floods are a danger.


The Dominant Species: there are two species that live on the planet. The native species are known as Swimmers as their proper name in unpronounceable to humans. Humans settled there, establishing a colony.
Level of Technology: both species are advanced, though arguably the natives are far more advanced. They are only interested in the oceans and beaches so they allow the humans to populate the inner land. With their guidance, the humans—and the vaen who had brought them there—were able to build settlements that would make the most efficient use of the land and make minimal damage to the rainforests.
People measure their weight in stones. One stone is roughly equivalent to 15 lbs.


Not long after the humans arrived on Atharia they learned it was already inhabited by the species they would come to call Swimmers. It took time for the Swimmers to learn to communicate with them as their strange song-like language was impossible for humans to replicate. A translator was cobbled together that worked until the Swimmers could learn to speak to them.
Once they surpassed that barrier and the Swimmers understood the reason for their coming to Atharia, they welcomed them with open arms. The original human settlers changed their surnames to match those of their new Swimmer friends out of gratitude for having a new, safe place to live. Within several generations, they forgot their original human surnames.

Some Surnames

Sigilkeeper, Snarevine, Strongshore, Sunfire
Thunderquill, Truesonne

Points of Interest

The Rallavance - a famous hotel, located in Aren’march
The ruins at Karath’aann - one of the most beautiful structures
Chimekin Ranch - located on the outskirts of Dretha'rel


Ship classes

Nakrith - battlecruisers; those are the most powerful ships currently in service
Tagrith - a class of small vessels that had fallen out of use by the year 1472. Teardrop body shape, light weight.
Shallar - replaced the Tagrith, more powerful engine and more advanced armour, higher top speed
Yenal - personal cruisers equipped with decent weaponry and a large engine


Month Number of Days Season
Valris 35
Esato 36
Shanu 35
Jaell 36
Ellis 30
Ohan 35
Devey 36
Bivan 35
Vuuna 35
Oonis 36

The year is divided into eleven months. A week has seven days. The year is roughly divided into five seasons:

  • Ekumaiya - flood season
  • Nainuthenn - growing season
  • Eshkator - hot, dry season
  • Trekumaiya - second flood season
  • Saklitenyu - cold, winter season

Days of the week:

  • Songell
  • Chyestell
  • Bralell
  • Findoqell
  • Kuell
  • Suvruell
  • Chyraell

Major Cities


Currency – rekmar, plural rekmars