Leshmiir d’Wolvam

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Emperor Leshmiir d'Wolvam

Year of Birth: 843
Birthplace: Wolf Rock
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Aligned Organization: House d'Wolvam

Contacts & Relations

Auriil n’Varis – a Marquessa in Doval, one of Leshmiir’s most trusted advisors
Teliir n’Tariil – a baron in Doval, one of Leshmiir’s most trusted advisors
Xoljiar i'Velidon – a lord in Doval, one of Leshmiir’s most trusted advisors
Nuren He is the general of the armies of Duval and one of Leshmiir's advisors

Family Ties

Anshrir d’Wolvam – cousin to Leshmiir, heir apparent to Doval. His father was Lehenar’s brother.
Feshanya d’Wolvam – Empress of Doval, married to Lehenar and mother to Leshmiir. Deceased.
Lehenar d’Wolvam – Leshmiir’s father, previous Emperor of Doval; deceased